Edgar M Medina, Kristyn A Robinson ... Nicolas E Buchler
Spizellomycespunctatusis a genetically tractable chytrid and model organism for comparative cell biology for understanding evolution of the cell cycle, actin dynamics, and cellularization in fungi and early eukaryotes.
Jordan G Okie, Amisha T Poret-Peterson ... James J Elser
Trait-based metagenomic analysis of an ecosystem fertilization experiment shows that genomic traits that affect the costs and rates of biochemical information-processing mediate community assembly.
Single-cell RNA-seq analysis reveals an increased complexity of mosquito hemocytes, enabling the functional and molecular characterization of immune cell sub-populations in Anopheles gambiae.
Davis Laundon, Nathan Chrismas ... Michael Cunliffe
Three-dimensional cell modelling, lipid analysis, transcriptomics, and live-cell imaging reveal biological insights in to the key stages of the chytrid fungus life cycle.
Regina Rillo-Bohn, Renzo Adilardi ... Abby F Dernburg
Investigation of meiosis in the nematode Pristionchus pacificus has illuminated evolutionary variation in this essential aspect of reproduction and established a new model for future study.
A novel comparative genomics framework identifies MECP2 network proteins targeted by existing drugs, with three drugs validated in an in vitro Rett syndrome model.
Katharina Schlereth, Dieter Weichenhan ... Hellmut G Augustin
The acquisition of vascular quiescence during transition to adulthood is driven by distinct transcriptional and epigenetic programs of pro- and anti-angiogenic genes, with the most prominent effect on the suppression of TGFß family signaling.
Annemarie Voorberg-van der Wel, Guglielmo Roma ... Thierry Tidiane Diagana
This comprehensive transcriptomic resource of dormant and replicating malaria liver parasites highlights the dearth of pathways that operate in the hypnozoites and the need to investigate druggability (i.e. selectivity and safety) of core pathways in malaria parasites.
Interest in the ecology, biology and evolution of amphioxus is growing, and the availability of several species is helping to improve our understanding of chordate evolution.