Bats' uniquely robust innate antiviral immune defenses select for faster transmitting viruses likely to generate extreme virulence upon spillover to secondary hosts with immune systems divergent from those of bat.
A conserved element in the flavivirus genomic 5′ terminus switches its conformation in response to long-range RNA interactions, and thereby regulates the dynamic recruitment of viral replicase for efficient viral RNA replication.
Marie Alexandre, Romain Marlin ... Rodolphe Thiébaut
A model-based approach for modelling the immune control of viral dynamics is applied to quantify the effect of several SARS-CoV-2 vaccine platforms and to define mechanistic correlates of protection.
Compared with the approach isolating COVID-19 patients for a fixed period, the approach using repeated PCR testing mitigates unnecessarily lengthy isolation of patients while minimizing the risk of further transmission.
Anirban Sinha, René Lutter ... Edgar Delgado Eckert
Fluctuation of biomarkers is a novel way of studying system stability during stable and unstable states of health and disease, revealing the systems' ability to cope with external perturbations.
Colin LaMont, Jakub Otwinowski ... Armita Nourmohammad
Computational evolutionary model to predict the efficacy of broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs) in suppressing HIV and to design optimal combination therapy with bNAbs.