ElegansBot, a two-dimensional rigid body chain model, simulates various locomotion of C. elegans, including omega and delta turns, using Newtonian equations of motion.
Using sequence-determined functional genomic features instead of original genotypes can partially overcome challenges in genetic association studies, such as rare variant exclusion and population structure.
Integration of language model and geometric deep learning enables accurate and efficient genome-scale annotation of comprehensive protein-ligand binding sites.
Thomas Grandits, Christoph M Augustin ... Alexander Jung
Neural networks can emulate normal and abnormal human ventricular action potentials accurately and potentially much faster than regular simulations paving the way for more efficient quantitative systems pharmacology studies.
Domingos Leite de Castro, Miguel Aroso ... Paulo Aguiar
Adaptive delayed feedback control is presented as a new real-time, closed-loop control algorithm for neurostimulation which can disrupt oscillations and reduce network synchrony in neuronal populations.
Acute myeloid leukemia-specific predictive logic models reveal new therapeutic targets involved in cancer resistance mechanisms paving the way for personalized precision medicine.