A deep-sea Planctomycetes bacterium performs a unique budding mode of division and recruits chronic phages for metabolizing nitrogen through the function of auxiliary metabolic genes.
Sequential expression of two transcription factors that bind to five- and ten-base female-specific cis-acting elements, respectively, promotes differentiation of Plasmodium female gametocytes.
Caroline M Boyd, Sundharraman Subramanian ... Kimberley D Seed
A phage parasite encodes an external scaffolding protein to pirate and rearrange phage-encoded coat proteins to more efficiently transfer the phage parasite genome to new hosts and limit phage production.
Comparing the white-footed deermouse with mice and rats in an inflammation model reveals a means for the observed infection tolerance in this key animal reservoir for several human diseases.
The growth of wild Drosophila larvae on fruits is promoted by a yeast releasing essential nutrients extracellularly or by a stable association with a nutrient-providing bacterium established by microbe–microbe interactions.