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    1. Cell Biology
    2. Physics of Living Systems

    Fluid mechanics of luminal transport in actively contracting endoplasmic reticulum

    Pyae Hein Htet, Edward Avezov, Eric Lauga
    The viscous hydraulics of contracting endoplasmic reticulum networks challenge common solute transport theories, suggesting the contraction of peripheral sheets as a plausible driving mechanism.
    1. Neuroscience

    Single-cell transcriptomics of vomeronasal neuroepithelium reveals a differential endoplasmic reticulum environment amongst neuronal subtypes

    GVS Devakinandan, Mark Terasaki, Adish Dani
    Developmental specialization of vomeronasal sensory neurons involves selective upregulation of endoplasmic reticulum genes in a subset of neurons along with a hypertrophic gyroid membrane architecture.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Projection neurons are necessary for the maintenance of the mouse olfactory circuit

    Luis Sánchez-Guardado, Peyman Razavi ... Carlos Lois
    Ablation of olfactory projection neurons in adult mice triggers sprouting of the apical dendrite of remaining neurons towards multiple nearby glomeruli and disrupts the odor map.
    1. Medicine

    Evaluation of clonal hematopoiesis and mosaic loss of Y chromosome in cardiovascular risk: An analysis in prospective studies

    Sami Fawaz, Severine Marti ... Thierry Couffinhal
    If CHIP and mLOY do not significantly contribute to inflammation, atherosclerosis or myocardial infarction risk independently, CHIP may increase the risk of MI in men who do not carry mLOY.
    1. Evolutionary Biology

    A systematic review and meta-analysis of eyespot anti-predator mechanisms

    Ayumi Mizuno, Malgorzata Lagisz ... Shinichi Nakagawa
    The efficacy of eyespots in deterring avian predators is more due to their conspicuousness rather than their resemblance to eyes.
    1. Evolutionary Biology

    The evolutionary history of the ancient weevil family Belidae (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) reveals the marks of Gondwana breakup and major floristic turnovers, including the rise of angiosperms

    Xuankun Li, Adriana E Marvaldi ... Duane D McKenna
    The evolutionary trajectory of phytophagous weevils reveals how ancient host plant shifts and continental drift influenced the development of diverse insect-plant interactions through time.
    1. Developmental Biology

    Marcks and Marcks-like 1 proteins promote spinal cord development and regeneration in Xenopus

    Mohamed El Amri, Abhay Pandit, Gerhard Schlosser
    Marcks and Marcks-like 1 proteins are required for normal neurite formation and proliferation of neuro-glial progenitors during development and regeneration of the Xenopus spinal cord implicating these proteins as critical new factors for spinal cord development and regeneration.
    1. Genetics and Genomics
    2. Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

    A multiplexed, single-cell sequencing screen identifies compounds that increase neurogenic reprogramming of murine Muller glia

    Amy Tresenrider, Marcus Hooper ... Thomas A Reh
    An in vitro chemical screen with single-cell sequencing output leads to the identification of Metformin as an in vivo enhancer of Muller glia to neuron reprogramming in mice.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    GEARBOCS: An Adeno Associated Virus Tool for In Vivo Gene Editing in Astrocytes

    Dhanesh Sivadasan Bindu, Justin T Savage ... Cagla Eroglu
    Not revised
    Reviewed Preprint v1
    • Valuable
    • Solid
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    AI-Based Discovery and CryoEM Structural Elucidation of a KATP Channel Pharmacochaperone

    Assmaa ElSheikh, Camden M Driggers ... Show-Ling Shyng
    Not revised
    Reviewed Preprint v1
    • Important
    • Compelling