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    1. Physics of Living Systems
    2. Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

    Global and local tension measurements in biomimetic skeletal muscle tissues reveals early mechanical homeostasis

    Arne D Hofemeier, Tamara Limon ... Timo Betz
    Combining global and local force measurements of reconstituted muscle tissue using a new chamber system that is compatible with high-resolution microscopy shows mechanical homeostasis already within a week.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology

    Identification of host proteins differentially associated with HIV-1 RNA splice variants

    Rachel Knoener, Edward Evans III ... Lloyd M Smith
    The distinct protein-RNA interactomes of HIV-1 RNA splice forms are revealed using a powerful multiplex strategy for RNA capture and mass spectrometric analysis.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    A nuclease- and bisulfite-based strategy captures strand-specific R-loops genome-wide

    Phillip Wulfridge, Kavitha Sarma
    BisMapR reveals strand-specific R-loops with high resolution at small-scale genomic features including bidirectionally transcribed promoters and enhancers.
    1. Cell Biology

    In vivo proteomic mapping through GFP-directed proximity-dependent biotin labelling in zebrafish

    Zherui Xiong, Harriet P Lo ... Thomas E Hall
    BLITZ system enables proximity-dependent biotin labelling in live zebrafish embryos with cell and tissue specificity, providing a versatile and valuable tool for proteomic discovery using the zebrafish model.
    1. Ecology

    A remote sensing derived data set of 100 million individual tree crowns for the National Ecological Observatory Network

    Ben G Weinstein, Sergio Marconi ... Ethan P White
    A first continental data set of tree crown predictions is derived across the United States for the National Ecological Observatory Network.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Developmental Biology

    Visualizing the metazoan proliferation-quiescence decision in vivo

    Rebecca C Adikes, Abraham Q Kohrman ... David Q Matus
    During organismal development, CDK activity at mitotic exit is predictive of future cell behavior, indicating whether a cell will divide again or enter a quiescent state.
    1. Cell Biology

    Stable transplantation of human mitochondrial DNA by high-throughput, pressurized isolated mitochondrial delivery

    Alexander J Sercel, Alexander N Patananan ... Michael A Teitell
    Applied pressure enables efficient isolated mitochondrial transfer and stable mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) transplantation into a range of mtDNA-depleted cell types to restore respiration.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology

    Metage2Metabo, microbiota-scale metabolic complementarity for the identification of key species

    Arnaud Belcour, Clémence Frioux ... Anne Siegel
    Computational models and software connect metagenomics to metabolic network reconstruction, assess metabolic complementarity between species, and identify critical species associated to functions of interest.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Medicine

    Reproducible analysis of disease space via principal components using the novel R package syndRomics

    Abel Torres-Espín, Austin Chou ... Adam R Ferguson
    A tutorial and open-source software to aid in reproducible disease pattern detection using principal component analysis.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology

    DIPPER, a spatiotemporal proteomics atlas of human intervertebral discs for exploring ageing and degeneration dynamics

    Vivian Tam, Peikai Chen ... Danny Chan
    Deep and comprehensive proteomic resource of human intervertebral disc at high spatial resolution with a methodological flow reveals new insights in disc homeostasis and degeneration.