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    1. Neuroscience

    A whole-brain connectivity map of mouse insular cortex

    Daniel A Gehrlach, Caroline Weiand ... Nadine Gogolla
    Whole-brain in- and outputs of inhibitory and excitatory neurons located in distinct subregions of the mouse insular cortex were mapped using viral-tracing strategies.
    1. Ecology
    2. Neuroscience

    BiteOscope, an open platform to study mosquito biting behavior

    Felix JH Hol, Louis Lambrechts, Manu Prakash
    A new tool to visualize blood-feeding mosquitoes in high resolution and quantitatively characterize their behavior sheds light on contact-dependent sensing and blood-feeding dynamics of several medically relevant mosquito species.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Cell Biology

    Optogenetic activation of heterotrimeric G-proteins by LOV2GIVe, a rationally engineered modular protein

    Mikel Garcia-Marcos, Kshitij Parag-Sharma ... Lien T Nguyen
    LOV2GIVe allows to activate Gi proteins non-invasively with innocuous blue light based on a design principle unrelated to light-activated GPCRs (metazoan opsins), thereby expanding the range of potential experimental applications.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Erasable labeling of neuronal activity using a reversible calcium marker

    Fern Sha, Ahmed S Abdelfattah ... Eric R Schreiter
    Protein engineering of a reversibly switchable fluorescent protein enables post-hoc reversible and repeatable marking of elevated calcium concentrations using blue light.
    1. Developmental Biology

    An improved zebrafish transcriptome annotation for sensitive and comprehensive detection of cell type-specific genes

    Nathan D Lawson, Rui Li ... Lihua Zhu
    Computational efforts yield a zebrafish transcriptome annotation that provides more sensitive and comprehensive gene detection over existing annotations when used for bulk or single-cell RNA-seq.
    1. Developmental Biology

    Building the vertebrate codex using the gene breaking protein trap library

    Noriko Ichino, MaKayla R Serres ... Stephen C Ekker
    The analysis of the first 1000 revertible protein trap alleles in zebrafish resulted in new functional genomic annotations and produced a panel of potential new models of human disease.
    1. Neuroscience

    Extensive and spatially variable within-cell-type heterogeneity across the basolateral amygdala

    Timothy P O'Leary, Kaitlin E Sullivan ... Mark S Cembrowski
    Basolateral amygdala excitatory neurons are a highly heterogenous collection of neurons that spatially covary in molecular, cellular, and circuit properties.
    1. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    On the importance of statistics in molecular simulations for thermodynamics, kinetics and simulation box size

    Vytautas Gapsys, Bert L de Groot
    The use of adequate statistics is demonstrated to be an essential prerequisite to derive conclusions on thermodynamics and kinetics from molecular simulations.
    1. Medicine

    Direct reprogramming of human smooth muscle and vascular endothelial cells reveals defects associated with aging and Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome

    Simone Bersini, Roberta Schulte ... Martin W Hetzer
    Direct reprogramming of smooth muscle cells from HGPS patients revealed that BMP4 is a key contributor of vascular degeneration and might represent a new therapeutic target.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Ecology

    Combining agent-based, trait-based and demographic approaches to model coral-community dynamics

    Bruno Sylvain Carturan, Jason Pither ... Lael Parrott
    A new agent-based model enables predicting how coral species richness and functional diversity affect the functioning and resilience of coral reef ecosystems.