8,404 results found
    1. Medicine
    2. Neuroscience

    scAAVengr, a transcriptome-based pipeline for quantitative ranking of engineered AAVs with single-cell resolution

    Bilge E Öztürk, Molly E Johnson ... Leah C Byrne
    A transcriptome-based pipeline (scAAVengr) quantifies and ranks competing adeno-associated viral vectors in primate retina, and mouse brain, heart, and liver, simultaneously and across all cell types, in the same animal, with single-cell resolution.
    1. Epidemiology and Global Health
    2. Evolutionary Biology

    Using evolution to generate sustainable malaria control with spatial repellents

    Penelope Anne Lynch, Mike Boots
    The evolution of insecticide-avoidance behaviour can be used to generate new spatial repellents to keep malaria vectors out of homes.
    1. Ecology

    How will mosquitoes adapt to climate warming?

    Lisa I Couper, Johannah E Farner ... Erin A Mordecai
    Mosquitoes may be likely to adapt to climate warming given their short life cycles and strong temperature sensitivity, but key data gaps identified here constrain current estimates of adaptive potential.
    1. Ecology
    2. Epidemiology and Global Health

    Both consumptive and non-consumptive effects of predators impact mosquito populations and have implications for disease transmission

    Marie C Russell, Catherine M Herzog ... Andrew C McCall
    While predators can clearly reduce mosquito populations by consumption, they can also have non-consumptive effects on mosquito body size and oviposition behavior, and these effects on vector traits can influence infectious disease dynamics.
    1. Evolutionary Biology

    Topological constraints in early multicellularity favor reproductive division of labor

    David Yanni, Shane Jacobeen ... Peter J Yunker
    Mathematical modeling shows that reproductive specialization is strongly favored in sparse networks of cellular interactions that reflect the morphology of early multicellular organisms, even when benefits of specialization are saturating.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Bayesian inference of kinetic schemes for ion channels by Kalman filtering

    Jan L Münch, Fabian Paul ... Klaus Benndorf
    For analyzing time-dependent patch-clamp or patch-clamp fluorometry data of ion channels in terms of Markovian models, the superiority of Bayesian filtering with respect to traditional deterministic approaches is demonstrated enabling more reliable quantification of the parameters.
    1. Ecology

    Modelling the climatic suitability of Chagas disease vectors on a global scale

    Fanny E Eberhard, Sarah Cunze ... Sven Klimpel
    The global ensemble forecasting niche modelling of 11 vector competent triatomine species revealed climatic suitable regions outside their native distribution including the cosmopolitan vector Triatoma rubrofasciata.
    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

    Multimodal cell tracking from systemic administration to tumour growth by combining gold nanorods and reporter genes

    Joan Comenge, Jack Sharkey ... Antonius Plagge
    Combined cell labelling with a bi-cistronic reporter-gene vector and gold nanorods enables short- and long-term cell tracking in vivo via multimodal imaging (multispectral optoacoustic tomography, bioluminescence, fluorescence) with high spatial resolution.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Ecology

    Data-driven identification of potential Zika virus vectors

    Michelle V Evans, Tad A Dallas ... John M Drake
    Data-driven methods predict over 35 mosquitoes are potential vectors of Zika virus, suggesting a larger geographic area and a greater human population is at risk of infection.
    1. Evolutionary Biology

    Plasticity and evolutionary convergence in the locomotor skeleton of Greater Antillean Anolis lizards

    Nathalie Feiner, Illiam SC Jackson ... Tobias Uller
    A comparative and experimental research refutes the controversial hypothesis that plasticity played a major role in the convergent evolution of Anolis ecomorphs.

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