Sophie A Montandon, Anamarija Fofonjka, Michel C Milinkovitch
Robust wrinkling pattern of the frilled dragon’s spectacular erectile ruff emerges from an elastic instability during homogeneous growth of the embryonic neck fold frustrated by its attachment to adjacent tissues.
Natural step-to-step variations show how human running is stabilized, underscoring the importance of center of mass control and showing how humans run without falling despite muscle noise and uneven terrain.
Computational modeling and molecular-biological analysis reveal the role of mechanical force and downstream Yap signaling in growth control during the development and regeneration of sensory epithelium of the inner ear.
A combination of experiments, theory, and simulations shows that the elastic softening of microtubules when they are bent arises due to the flattening of their tubular cross-section.
A theoretical framework for the growth of microtubules quantifies the roles of geometry, mechanics, kinetics and randomness and provides a phase diagram for dynamic instability in these self-assembled polymers.
Combined optogenetic and computer modeling approaches reveal how mechanical bistability of the mesoderm epithelium works jointly with apical constriction to facilitate mesoderm invagination in Drosophila, a well-characterized model for epithelial folding.
Kai Weißenbruch, Justin Grewe ... Martin Bastmeyer
The mechanical response of adherent cells in structured environments is shown to be shaped by the intricate interplay between the three different isoforms of an essential molecular motor.