The new whale shark genome assembly represents the best gapless chondrichthyan genome assembly yet, and comparative genomic analyses provide insights into the evolution of vertebrate genome origins, immunity, and gigantism.
A fatty acyl reductase gene family expansion in the Hymenoptera crown group led to recruitment of novel pheromone-biosynthetic enzymes and is linked to evolution of pheromone marking behavior.
Xavier Grau-Bové, Guifré Torruella ... Iñaki Ruiz-Trillo
The foundations of genomic complexity in multicellular animals have deep roots in their unicellular prehistory, both in terms of innovations in gene content, as well as the evolutionary dynamics of genome architecture.
Philipp Brand, Hugh M Robertson ... Brian R Johnson
The insect odorant receptor gene family evolved at the base of the class Insecta before the evolution of flight and perhaps as an adaptation to terrestriality, and was therefore an important evolutionary novelty for insects.
Christian Louis Bonatto Paese, Anna Schoenauer ... Alistair P McGregor
Sox21b-1 regulates simultaneous formation of anterior segments and addition of posterior segments in a spider, which resembles segmentation in long- and short-germ insects, and suggests SoxB regulation of segmentation is an ancestral feature of arthropods.
Damilola Pinheiro, Marie-Anne Mawhin ... Kevin J Woollard
In-silico modeling of gene and protein emergence reveals how colony-stimulating factors contributed to the evolution and functional adaptions observed in mammalian neutrophils.