3,399 results found
    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    Cellular acidosis triggers human MondoA transcriptional activity by driving mitochondrial ATP production

    Blake R Wilde, Zhizhou Ye ... Donald E Ayer
    The MondoA transcription factor localizes to the outer mitochondrial membrane where it coordinates an adaptive transcriptional response to elevated cellular energy represented by high cytoplasmic glucose and high mitochondrial ATP.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Calcium and bicarbonate signaling pathways have pivotal, resonating roles in matching ATP production to demand

    Maura Greiser, Mariusz Karbowski ... Liron Boyman
    A novel signaling system in heart mitochondria in which the byproduct of energy metabolism, CO2/bicarbonate, acts as the primary signal to tune mitochondrial ATP production while keeping energy supply in tight synchronization with energy consumption.
    1. Physics of Living Systems
    2. Computational and Systems Biology

    Overall energy conversion efficiency of a photosynthetic vesicle

    Melih Sener, Johan Strumpfer ... Klaus Schulten
    The overall energy conversion efficiency is calculated for a bacterial vesicle that harvests solar energy for ATP production on the basis of an atomic-detail structural model.
    1. Cell Biology

    Mitochondrial flashes regulate ATP homeostasis in the heart

    Xianhua Wang, Xing Zhang ... Heping Cheng
    Mitochondrial flashes counteract the imbalance of ATP supply-and-demand and constitute an auto-regulator of ATP homeostasis in the heart.
    1. Neuroscience

    Alleviation of neuronal energy deficiency by mTOR inhibition as a treatment for mitochondria-related neurodegeneration

    Xinde Zheng, Leah Boyer ... Tony Hunter
    Rapamycin treatment inhibits mTOR activity and preserves ATP levels in neurons derived from induced pluripotent stem cells from a maternally inherited Leigh syndrome patient.
    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Cell Biology

    Aurora kinase A localises to mitochondria to control organelle dynamics and energy production

    Giulia Bertolin, Anne-Laure Bulteau ... Marc Tramier
    AurkA is imported into mitochondria at interphase, and it induces organelle elongation and enhances ATP production when over-expressed.
    1. Cell Biology

    Connexin 43 hemichannels regulate mitochondrial ATP generation, mobilization, and mitochondrial homeostasis against oxidative stress

    Jingruo Zhang, Manuel A Riquelme ... Jean X Jiang
    Mitochondrial Cx43 hemichannels regulate ATP generation by mediating K+, H+, and ATP transfer across the mitochondrial inner membrane and the interaction with mitochondrial ATP synthase, contributing to maintenance of mitochondrial redox and cell protection under oxidative stress.
    1. Evolutionary Biology

    Membranes, energetics, and evolution across the prokaryote-eukaryote divide

    Michael Lynch, Georgi K Marinov
    The common view that the mitochondrion endowed eukaryotes with a boost in bioenergetic capacity above that in prokaryotes is inconsistent with a diversity of cellular features.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Atomic structure of a mitochondrial complex I intermediate from vascular plants

    Maria Maldonado, Abhilash Padavannil ... James A Letts
    The first atomic resolution structure of a mitochondrial respiratory complex from plants provides insight into the assembly and evolution of respiration in autotrophic eukaryotes.
    1. Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

    Context-dependent modification of PFKFB3 in hematopoietic stem cells promotes anaerobic glycolysis and ensures stress hematopoiesis

    Shintaro Watanuki, Hiroshi Kobayashi ... Keiyo Takubo
    Isotope tracing, mathematical modeling, and single-cell ATP analysis reveal changes in blood cell metabolism under various conditions, showing stressed hematopoietic stem cells support hematopoiesis through glycolytic ATP production via PFKFB3.

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