1,750 results found
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Cell Biology

    Proteotoxicity from aberrant ribosome biogenesis compromises cell fitness

    Blake W Tye, Nicoletta Commins ... L Stirling Churchman
    Rapidly proliferating cells are at risk of compromised cell fitness due to proteostasis collapse from perturbations that interfere with ribosome biogenesis.
    1. Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

    Transcriptional landscape of myogenesis from human pluripotent stem cells reveals a key role of TWIST1 in maintenance of skeletal muscle progenitors

    In Young Choi, Hotae Lim ... Gabsang Lee
    Using multiple genetic reporter system in human pluripotent stem cells, a transcriptional database for human early myogenesis has been established.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Discovery of a small molecule that inhibits bacterial ribosome biogenesis

    Jonathan M Stokes, Joseph H Davis ... Eric D Brown
    The anticonvulsant drug lamotrigine inhibits bacterial ribosome biogenesis and reveals an unexplored role for initiation factor 2 (IF2) in ribosome assembly.
    1. Cancer Biology

    MYC regulates ribosome biogenesis and mitochondrial gene expression programs through its interaction with host cell factor–1

    Tessa M Popay, Jing Wang ... William P Tansey
    Interaction of oncoprotein transcription factor MYC with chromatin-associated protein host cell factor–1 controls expression of genes important for ribosome biogenesis and mitochondrial vigor, loss of which promotes tumor regression.
    1. Cell Biology

    Tom70-based transcriptional regulation of mitochondrial biogenesis and aging

    Qingqing Liu, Catherine E Chang ... Chuankai Zhou
    Tom70 connects the mitochondrial import to the nuclear transcriptional activity of mitochondrial proteins and controls mitochondrial biogenesis defects during aging.
    1. Evolutionary Biology

    Functional characterization of a ‘plant-like’ HYL1 homolog in the cnidarian Nematostella vectensis indicates a conserved involvement in microRNA biogenesis

    Abhinandan M Tripathi, Yael Admoni ... Yehu Moran
    Presence of a functional homolog of HYL1 in Nematostella vectensis, a basal animal model, indicates divergent evolution of miRNA biogenesis pathway in plants and animals from an ancestral miRNA system.
    1. Developmental Biology

    Electron transport chain biogenesis activated by a JNK-insulin-Myc relay primes mitochondrial inheritance in Drosophila

    Zong-Heng Wang, Yi Liu ... Hong Xu
    An insulin-Myc feed-forward loop triggered by transient JNK boosts transcription of genes essential for mitochondrial respiration and biogenesis during early oogenesis to support massive mtDNA replication and inheritance in Drosophila.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    Har-P, a short P-element variant, weaponizes P-transposase to severely impair Drosophila development

    Satyam P Srivastav, Reazur Rahman ... Nelson C Lau
    A female fertility syndrome in Drosophila called gonadal dysgenesis is caused by the P-transposase actively mobilizing a very short P-element variant that has been named the Har-P.
    1. Cell Biology

    The proteasome biogenesis regulator Rpn4 cooperates with the unfolded protein response to promote ER stress resistance

    Rolf M Schmidt, Julia P Schessner ... Sebastian Schuck
    Endoplasmic reticulum stress in yeast activates not only the UPR but also Rpn4, promoting the clearance of misfolded proteins from the cytosol as part of a modular cross-compartment stress response.
    1. Cell Biology

    Deconstructing cold-induced brown adipocyte neogenesis in mice

    Rayanne B Burl, Elizabeth Ann Rondini ... James G Granneman
    Single-cell RNA-sequencing, spatial genomics, and histological analyses reveal that cold-induced brown adipose neogenesis is a complex adaptive response to elevated metabolic demand involving dynamic interactions between recruited immune cells and a subpopulation of poised adipocyte progenitors.

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