Cancer Biology

Cancer Biology

eLife reviews research into cancer spanning from oncogenes and tumor suppressors to metastasis and anticancer treatments. Learn more about what we review and sign up for the latest research.
Illustration by Davide Bonazzi

Latest articles

    1. Cell Biology
    2. Cancer Biology

    Automated workflow for the cell cycle analysis of (non-)adherent cells using a machine learning approach

    Kourosh Hayatigolkhatmi, Chiara Soriani ... Simona Rodighiero
    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    Patient-derived xenografts and single-cell sequencing identifies three subtypes of tumor-reactive lymphocytes in uveal melanoma metastases

    Joakim W Karlsson, Vasu R Sah ... Jonas A Nilsson
    Single-cell sequencing and functional analysis identify T cells that can be useful for marker selection and cell therapy in uveal melanoma, a disease largely unresponsive to conventional immune checkpoint therapies.
    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Tumor-infiltrating nerves functionally alter brain circuits and modulate behavior in a mouse model of head-and-neck cancer

    Jeffrey Barr, Austin Walz ... Paola D Vermeer
    Nerve tracing and behavioral studies in tumor-bearing mice together with transcriptional and functional analysis reveal cancer-induced central and peripheral neuronal alterations that influence behavior.
    1. Cancer Biology

    PITAR, a DNA damage-inducible cancer/testis long noncoding RNA, inactivates p53 by binding and stabilizing TRIM28 mRNA

    Samarjit Jana, Mainak Mondal ... Kumaravel Somasundaram
    PITAR interaction with TRIM28 mRNA, which encodes a p53 targeting E3 ubiquitin ligase, keeps p53 levels low for cancer cells to divide and attenuates the DNA damage response by p53.
    1. Cancer Biology

    Mutant mice lacking alternatively spliced p53 isoforms unveil Ackr4 as a male-specific prognostic factor in Myc-driven B-cell lymphomas

    Anne Fajac, Iva Simeonova ... Franck Toledo
    The male-specific tumor-suppressive effects of minor p53 isoforms were correlated with higher Ackr4 expression levels, which have implications for sex-specific cancer prognosis in humans.
    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Conserved regulatory motifs in the juxtamembrane domain and kinase N-lobe revealed through deep mutational scanning of the MET receptor tyrosine kinase domain

    Gabriella O Estevam, Edmond M Linossi ... James S Fraser
    Deep mutational scanning reveals interactions in the MET kinase domain that are critical for regulation and cancer-related signaling.
    1. Cancer Biology

    Engineering PEG10-assembled endogenous virus-like particles with genetically encoded neoantigen peptides for cancer vaccination

    Ruijing Tang, Luobin Guo ... Xiaolong Liu
    ePAC, a novel cancer vaccine utilizing a mammalian-derived virus-like particle to co-deliver neoantigens and CpG-ODN, demonstrates strong antitumor efficacy in mouse models.

Senior editors

  1. Utpal Banerjee
    University of California, Los Angeles, United States
  2. Yamini Dalal
    National Cancer Institute, United States
  3. Eduardo Franco
    McGill University, Canada
  4. See more editors