Research Articles

Research Articles published by eLife are full-length studies that present important breakthroughs across the life sciences and biomedicine. There is no maximum length and no limits on the number of display items.

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    1. Neuroscience

    A neural network model of differentiation and integration of competing memories

    Victoria JH Ritvo, Alex Nguyen ... Kenneth A Norman
    A computational neural network model leverages a simple unsupervised learning principle to account for recent findings on when memories move apart (differentiate) or together (integrate) in the brain.
    1. Cell Biology

    A Ctnnb1 enhancer transcriptionally regulates Wnt signaling dosage to balance homeostasis and tumorigenesis of intestinal epithelia

    Xiaojiao Hua, Chen Zhao ... Yan Zhou
    An enhancer-dependent transcriptional machinery finely tunes the expression of Ctnnb1 in intestinal crypts, thereby balancing homeostasis and tumorigenesis of intestinal epithelia.
    1. Physics of Living Systems

    The exchange dynamics of biomolecular condensates

    Yaojun Zhang, Andrew GT Pyo ... Ned S Wingreen
    Exchange of components between biomolecular condensates and the surrounding dilute phase can be limited by dense-phase mixing, dilute-phase influx, or by the slow incorporation of molecules through the condensate interface.
    1. Epidemiology and Global Health
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Antigenic drift and subtype interference shape A(H3N2) epidemic dynamics in the United States

    Amanda C Perofsky, John Huddleston ... Cécile Viboud
    Antigenic drift in influenza’s major surface proteins, hemagglutinin and neuraminidase, contributes to variability in epidemic magnitude across seasons but is less influential than subtype interference in shaping annual outbreaks.
    1. Medicine

    Identification of pharmacological inducers of a reversible hypometabolic state for whole organ preservation

    Megan M Sperry, Berenice Charrez ... Donald E Ingber
    Repurposing of a drug designed for pain relief can quickly and reversibly slow biochemical and metabolic activities in cells and organs and could facilitate organ transplantation and prevent tissue injury.
    1. Neuroscience

    When and why does motor preparation arise in recurrent neural network models of motor control?

    Marine Schimel, Ta-Chu Kao, Guillaume Hennequin
    A computational model shows that preparation arises as an optimal control strategy in input-driven recurrent neural networks performing a delayed-reaching task.
    1. Neuroscience

    Distractor effects in decision making are related to the individual’s style of integrating choice attributes

    Jing Jun Wong, Alessandro Bongioanni ... Bolton KH Chau
    Computational modelling reveals variations in people’s preferences towards integrating choice attributes using an additive or multiplicative approach, which affected whether the presence of valuable distractors facilitate or impair decision making.
    1. Neuroscience

    The subthalamic nucleus contributes causally to perceptual decision-making in monkeys

    Kathryn Branam, Joshua I Gold, Long Ding
    The subthalamic nucleus contains distinct subpopulations that can support multifaceted roles for making decisions based on uncertain evidence.