2,518 results found
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Near-infrared dual bioluminescence imaging in mouse models of cancer using infraluciferin

    Cassandra L Stowe, Thomas A Burley ... Martin A Pule
    Two cellular populations can be tracked in the same small animal model using near-infrared bioluminescence imaging, for the first time opening up the window for multi-coloured bioluminescence.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Cell Biology

    Near-infrared photoactivatable control of Ca2+ signaling and optogenetic immunomodulation

    Lian He, Yuanwei Zhang ... Yubin Zhou
    A near-infrared light-stimulable optogenetic platform enables remote and wireless manipulation of calcium signaling and immune responses both in vitro and in vivo to achieve tailored function.
    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Medicine

    Photonic hyperthermia of malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors at the third near-infrared biowindow

    Yihui Gu, Zhichao Wang ... Qingfeng Li
    In vivo and in vitro experiments confirm the conspicuous antineoplastic efficacy of NIR-III photothermal therapy under the premise of ensuring biosafety.
    1. Ecology

    Substantial near-infrared radiation-driven photosynthesis of chlorophyll f-containing cyanobacteria in a natural habitat

    Michael Kühl, Erik Trampe ... Klaus Koren
    Cyanobacteria with chlorophyll f show substantial near-infrared radiation-driven photosynthesis and can play an important role for primary production in endolithic, intertidal habitats.
    1. Neuroscience

    Visualizing synaptic dopamine efflux with a 2D composite nanofilm

    Chandima Bulumulla, Andrew T Krasley ... Abraham G Beyene
    A technology for measuring release of dopamine simultaneously from hundreds of release sites at the spatial resolution of a synapse is provided.
    1. Immunology and Inflammation
    2. Physics of Living Systems

    Label-free imaging of immune cell dynamics in the living retina using adaptive optics

    Aby Joseph, Colin J Chu ... Jesse Schallek
    Immune cell motility and vascular response are imaged in vivo and label free in the CNS for the first time, using high-resolution phase-contrast adaptive optics retinal imaging.
    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

    Multimodal cell tracking from systemic administration to tumour growth by combining gold nanorods and reporter genes

    Joan Comenge, Jack Sharkey ... Antonius Plagge
    Combined cell labelling with a bi-cistronic reporter-gene vector and gold nanorods enables short- and long-term cell tracking in vivo via multimodal imaging (multispectral optoacoustic tomography, bioluminescence, fluorescence) with high spatial resolution.
    1. Evolutionary Biology

    Fitness variation across subtle environmental perturbations reveals local modularity and global pleiotropy of adaptation

    Grant Kinsler, Kerry Geiler-Samerotte, Dmitri A Petrov
    A set of adaptive mutations affect only a small number of phenotypes that matter in the evolution condition, and yet contain substantial latent functional diversity revealed in distant environments.
    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Cell Biology

    Intravital deep-tumor single-beam 3-photon, 4-photon, and harmonic microscopy

    Gert-Jan Bakker, Sarah Weischer ... Peter Friedl
    Infrared high-pulse-energy low-pulse-repetition-rate excitation advances deep intravital microscopy in strongly scattering tissues such as skin tumors and thick bone, thereby bringing previously inaccessible tumor areas in reach with subcellular resolution.

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