
Latest research

    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Cell Biology

    Hsp47 promotes biogenesis of multi-subunit neuroreceptors in the endoplasmic reticulum

    Ya-Juan Wang, Xiao-Jing Di ... Ting-Wei Mu
    Hsp47 positively regulates the functional surface expression of endogenous GABAA receptors and plays a critical and general role in the maturation of Cys-loop neuroreceptors.
    1. Neuroscience

    Neural Correlates and Reinstatement of Recent and Remote Memory: A Comparison Between Children and Young Adults

    Iryna Schommartz, Philip F Lembcke ... Yee Lee Shing
    1. Neuroscience

    A robust brain network for sustained attention from adolescence to adulthood that predicts later substance use

    Yihe Weng, Johann Kruschwitz ... IMAGEN Consortium