March 2021

Cover articles

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Research articles

    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    MicroRNAs mediate precise control of spinal interneuron populations to exert delicate sensory-to-motor outputs

    Shih-Hsin Chang, Yi-Ching Su ... Jun-An Chen
    The miR-34/449 family is abundantly expressed in the central nervous system, and fine-tunes optimal numbers of spinal interneurons to ensure sensory-motor circuit outputs.
    1. Neuroscience

    An expanding manifold in transmodal regions characterizes adolescent reconfiguration of structural connectome organization

    Bo-yong Park, Richard AI Bethlehem ... Boris C Bernhardt
    Manifold learning of longitudinal brain network data provides novel insights into adolescent structural connectome maturation, and how multiple scales of cortical and subcortical organization interact in typical neurodevelopment.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Transient kinetic studies of the antiviral Drosophila Dicer-2 reveal roles of ATP in self–nonself discrimination

    Raushan K Singh, McKenzie Jonely ... Brenda L Bass
    A real-time, stopped-flow method, in combination with protein-induced fluorescence enhancement, Förster resonance energy transfer, and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy, reveals a kinetic framework for understanding Dicer as a complex molecular motor.
    1. Neuroscience

    Somatostatin interneurons activated by 5-HT2A receptor suppress slow oscillations in medial entorhinal cortex

    Roberto de Filippo, Benjamin R Rost ... Dietmar Schmitz
    Somatostatin interneurons are novel mediators of serotonergic modulation in entorhinal cortex via activation of 5-HT2A receptors, a receptor involved in the etiology of different psychiatric disorders.
    1. Neuroscience

    Analysis of ultrasonic vocalizations from mice using computer vision and machine learning

    Antonio HO Fonseca, Gustavo M Santana ... Marcelo O Dietrich
    An open-source tool based on computational vision and machine learning shows high accuracy and sensitivity in the analysis of ultrasonic vocalizations.
    1. Neuroscience

    Neural network of social interaction observation in marmosets

    Justine C Cléry, Yuki Hori ... Stefan Everling
    The brain network associated with social interaction observation involves large part of the frontal cortex and parietal areas in marmosets.
    1. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Cryo-EM structure of the yeast TREX complex and coordination with the SR-like protein Gbp2

    Yihu Xie, Bradley P Clarke ... Yi Ren
    Cryo-EM and chemical cross-linking studies yield an atomic resolution structure of a conserved remodeling machinery in messenger ribonucleoprotein maturation/nuclear export and insights into its coordinated function with a serine–arginine protein.
    1. Neuroscience

    Male pheromones modulate synaptic transmission at the C. elegans neuromuscular junction in a sexually dimorphic manner

    Kang-Ying Qian, Wan-Xin Zeng ... Xia-Jing Tong
    Male pheromone environment increases the cholinergic synaptic transmission at the neuromuscular junction in Caenorhabditis elegans hermaphrodites during development, decreasing hermaphrodites' locomotion activity and promoting mating efficiency.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Cell Biology

    Complementary biosensors reveal different G-protein signaling modes triggered by GPCRs and non-receptor activators

    Mikel Garcia-Marcos
    Heterotrimeric G-proteins can be switched on not only by G-protein-coupled receptors but also by cytoplasmic proteins, resulting in different signaling mechanisms in cells depending on the specific type of activator.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    Selenium supplementation inhibits IGF-1 signaling and confers methionine restriction-like healthspan benefits to mice

    Jason D Plummer, Spike DL Postnikoff ... Jay E Johnson
    Dietary selenium supplementation confers to mice all of the short-term healthspan benefits of the longevity-promoting intervention methionine restriction, and thus may represent a method to promote healthy aging in mammals.
    1. Medicine

    Anti-fibrotic activity of a rho-kinase inhibitor restores outflow function and intraocular pressure homeostasis

    Guorong Li, Chanyoung Lee ... W Daniel Stamer
    An FDA-approved, rho-associated kinase inhibitor reverses fibrosis in the conventional outflow pathway of a mouse model of glaucoma and reverses ocular hypertension in patients with steroid glaucoma.
    1. Evolutionary Biology
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    A common 1.6 mb Y-chromosomal inversion predisposes to subsequent deletions and severe spermatogenic failure in humans

    Pille Hallast, Laura Kibena ... Maris Laan
    In addition to its academic merits, characterizing the genetic determinants of male (in)fertility and identifying clinically actionable genetic variants can lead to improved diagnosis or even treatment of such conditions.
    1. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Functional insights from a surface antigen mRNA-bound proteome

    Larissa Melo do Nascimento, Franziska Egler ... Esteban Erben
    A robust procedure to purify mRNAs and their associated proteins identify CFB2 as the critical protein that binds and influences the fate of the main virulence factor in Trypanosoma brucei.
    1. Cell Biology

    Pre-complexation of talin and vinculin without tension is required for efficient nascent adhesion maturation

    Sangyoon J Han, Evgenia V Azarova ... Gaudenz Danuser
    Pre-complexation of vinculin with talin’s R8 domain facilitates nascent adhesion maturation by unfolding talin, increasing vinculin binding, and thereby transmitting traction forces to the environment.
    1. Immunology and Inflammation
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Early postmortem mapping of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in patients with COVID-19 and the correlation with tissue damage

    Stefanie Deinhardt-Emmer, Daniel Wittschieber ... Gita Mall
    Early postmortem autopsy of COVID-19 patients shows high viral loads and damage of the lung, although extrapulmonary cells demonstrate no injury, they contribute to inflammation, hyper-coagulation, and multiple organ dysfunction.
    1. Neuroscience
    2. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Structural determinants of voltage-gating properties in calcium channels

    Monica L Fernández-Quintero, Yousra El Ghaleb ... Bernhard E Flucher
    Structure modeling, site-directed mutagenesis, and current recordings revealed the mechanism by which stabilization of voltage sensors in the resting and activated states determines the gating properties of the CaV1.1 calcium channel.
    1. Evolutionary Biology

    Striking parallels between dorsoventral patterning in Drosophila and Gryllus reveal a complex evolutionary history behind a model gene regulatory network

    Matthias Pechmann, Nathan James Kenny ... Siegfried Roth
    Crucial functions of Toll signalling during dorsoventral axis formation might have evolved convergently in flies and crickets.
    1. Plant Biology

    Uncovering a novel function of the CCR4-NOT complex in phytochrome A-mediated light signalling in plants

    Philipp Schwenk, David J Sheerin ... Andreas Hiltbrunner
    The light-activated plant photoreceptor phytochrome A binds to NOT9B to displace it from the CCR4-NOT complex, thereby de-repressing light signalling.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    3DeeCellTracker, a deep learning-based pipeline for segmenting and tracking cells in 3D time lapse images

    Chentao Wen, Takuya Miura ... Koutarou D Kimura
    A deep learning-based pipeline was developed for extracting cellular signals flexibly from moving cells in 3D time lapse images, and it outperformed previous methods under different imaging conditions.
    1. Developmental Biology

    Paternal multigenerational exposure to an obesogenic diet drives epigenetic predisposition to metabolic diseases in mice

    Georges Raad, Fabrizio Serra ... Valerie Grandjean
    Predisposition to obesity-associated diseases is dependent on the ancestors' diet.
    1. Evolutionary Biology

    Group phenotypic composition in cancer

    Jean-Pascal Capp, James DeGregori ... Frédéric Thomas
    Tumoral group phenotypic compositions and their relationships with the fitness of individual malignant cells in different ecological contexts represent crucial, previously unexplored dynamics in tumor progression.
    1. Neuroscience

    All-trans retinoic acid induces synaptic plasticity in human cortical neurons

    Maximilian Lenz, Pia Kruse ... Andreas Vlachos
    The vitamin A derivative, all-trans retinoic acid, induces protein-synthesis-dependent synaptic plasticity in the human brain.
    1. Ecology

    Relative demographic susceptibility does not explain the extinction chronology of Sahul’s megafauna

    Corey JA Bradshaw, Christopher N Johnson ... Frédérik Saltré
    There is no relationship between the demographic susceptibility to extinction and the estimated extinction chronology among Sahul’s megafauna, suggesting that human choices, a species’ ecological requirements, and/or random climate variation instead determined the extinction chronology.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

    The LINC complex transmits integrin-dependent tension to the nuclear lamina and represses epidermal differentiation

    Emma Carley, Rachel M Stewart ... Megan C King
    Forces stemming from cell-matrix adhesions, but not cell-cell adhesions, are directly transmitted to the nuclear lamina to regulate epidermal cell fate.
    1. Neuroscience

    An open-source device for measuring food intake and operant behavior in rodent home-cages

    Bridget A Matikainen-Ankney, Thomas Earnest ... Alexxai V Kravitz
    An open-source behavioral platform allows for operant, feeding, and circadian experiments in rodent home-cages.
    1. Cell Biology

    Disparate bone anabolic cues activate bone formation by regulating the rapid lysosomal degradation of sclerostin protein

    Nicole R Gould, Katrina M Williams ... Joseph P Stains
    Mechanical loading and the bone anabolic action of parathyroid hormone result in rapid, lysosomal degradation of sclerostin protein, revealing physiologically important post-translational control of this critical regulator of bone formation.
    1. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Saliva TwoStep for rapid detection of asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 carriers

    Qing Yang, Nicholas R Meyerson ... Sara L Sawyer
    A quick and portable test makes saliva samples turn yellow when people are carrying SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.
    1. Evolutionary Biology
    2. Physics of Living Systems

    Global epistasis emerges from a generic model of a complex trait

    Gautam Reddy, Michael M Desai
    Predictable patterns of fitness evolution observed in microbial evolution experiments can emerge generically as a consequence of widespread epistatic interactions between mutations.
    1. Genetics and Genomics
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    An atlas of the binding specificities of transcription factors in Pseudomonas aeruginosa directs prediction of novel regulators in virulence

    Tingting Wang, Wenju Sun ... Jian Yan
    The transcription factor (TF)-binding specificities of Pseudomonas aeruginosa allow us to predict virulence-associated TFs and their target genes, which will facilitate to find effective treatment and prevention for its associated diseases.
    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    The olfactory critical period is determined by activity-dependent Sema7A/PlxnC1 signaling within glomeruli

    Nobuko Inoue, Hirofumi Nishizumi ... Hitoshi Sakano
    The critical period in the mouse olfactory system is defined by activity-dependent synapse formation induced by Semaphorin7A/PlexinC1 signaling in the neonatal glomeruli.
    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

    Generic injuries are sufficient to induce ectopic Wnt organizers in Hydra

    Jack F Cazet, Adrienne Cho, Celina E Juliano
    Injuries activate the oral identity-specifying canonical Wnt signaling pathway in Hydra, which can trigger head regeneration in permissive tissue contexts created by the absence of pre-existing organizers.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    FRET-based dynamic structural biology: Challenges, perspectives and an appeal for open-science practices

    Eitan Lerner, Anders Barth ... Shimon Weiss
    A summary of the current “state-of-the-field” of single-molecule FRET used for probing biomolecular structural dynamics.
    1. Neuroscience

    Local projections of layer Vb-to-Va are more prominent in lateral than in medial entorhinal cortex

    Shinya Ohara, Stefan Blankvoort ... Menno P Witter
    The connection from layer Vb-to-Va neurons, a key component of the canonical hippocampal-cortical output circuit, which is allegedly crucial for memory consolidation, is relatively stronger in lateral entorhinal cortex compared with the medial entorhinal cortex, thus suggesting different operating principles.
    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Physics of Living Systems

    Self-organized patterning of cell morphology via mechanosensitive feedback

    Natalie A Dye, Marko Popović ... Frank Jülicher
    Radial patterns of cell morphology in the Drosophila larval wing emerge through mechanosensitive dynamics of cell polarity.
    1. Neuroscience

    Acquisition of innate odor preference depends on spontaneous and experiential activities during critical period

    Qiang Qiu, Yunming Wu ... C Ron Yu
    A delicate balance of neural activity is required during critical period in establishing innate odor preference.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    Evidence for additive and synergistic action of mammalian enhancers during cell fate determination

    Jinmi Choi, Kseniia Lysakovskaia ... Patrick Cramer
    Temporal changes in genome-wide enhancer transcription activity during a transdifferentiation event reveal additive and synergistic enhancer cooperation.
    1. Immunology and Inflammation

    Fate mapping analysis reveals a novel murine dermal migratory Langerhans-like cell population

    Jianpeng Sheng, Qi Chen ... Christiane Ruedl
    Fate mapping analysis shows that not bona fide Langerhans cells but their ‘look-alikes’ dermal Langerhans cell-like cells migrate to the lymph nodes.
    1. Neuroscience

    Optimal policy for attention-modulated decisions explains human fixation behavior

    Anthony I Jang, Ravi Sharma, Jan Drugowitsch
    A normative decision-making model that incorporates an information-limiting attention bottleneck is able to qualitatively replicate human behavior and make novel predictions that are verified in data.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Neuronal junctophilins recruit specific CaV and RyR isoforms to ER-PM junctions and functionally alter CaV2.1 and CaV2.2

    Stefano Perni, Kurt Beam
    Neuronal junctophilins 3 and 4 similarly recruit and functionally modify P/Q and N-type calcium channels, but differentially recruit the three ryanodine receptor isoforms to endoplasmic reticulum-plasma membrane junctions.
    1. Neuroscience

    Properties of multivesicular release from mouse rod photoreceptors support transmission of single-photon responses

    Cassandra L Hays, Asia L Sladek ... Wallace B Thoreson
    To improve the reliability of transmitting small single-photon voltage responses, rod photoreceptor cells release synaptic vesicles in regularly timed multivesicular events that are exquisitely sensitive to small voltage changes.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Microbial genetic and transcriptional contributions to oxalate degradation by the gut microbiota in health and disease

    Menghan Liu, Joseph C Devlin ... Lama Nazzal
    A novel multi-omics framework revealed the taxonomic contribution to microbiota oxalate, demontrated O. formigenes as the dominating taxon transcriptionally, and identified specific IBD cohort at risk for oxalte toxicity.
    1. Developmental Biology

    In vivo proximity labeling identifies cardiomyocyte protein networks during zebrafish heart regeneration

    Mira I Pronobis, Susan Zheng ... Kenneth D Poss
    Proximity labeling-based proteomic strategies applied in zebrafish identify new insights into protein network changes in heart muscle cells during regeneration and implicate Rho A as a target of ErbB2 signaling during zebrafish heart regeneration.
    1. Genetics and Genomics

    Reprogramming of translation in yeast cells impaired for ribosome recycling favors short, efficiently translated mRNAs

    Swati Gaikwad, Fardin Ghobakhlou ... Alan G Hinnebusch
    A mutant impaired for ribosome recycling exhibits translational reprogramming wherein strong mRNAs outcompete weak mRNAs, also observed when preinitiation complexes are diminished by eIF2α phosphorylation or 40S ribosomal subunit depletion.
    1. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Highly parallelized droplet cultivation and prioritization of antibiotic producers from natural microbial communities

    Lisa Mahler, Sarah P Niehs ... Miriam A Rosenbaum
    This microscale cultivation strategy will help in the discovery of novel bacterial species and their prioritization for antibiotic screening campaigns.
    1. Neuroscience

    Mother brain is wired for social moments

    Ortal Shimon-Raz, Roy Salomon ... Ruth Feldman
    Mother brain shows special sensitivity to social moments of mother-infant synchrony, compared to other caregiving experiences, through enhanced activation across the caregiving network, response to oxytocin administration, and temporal consistency.
    1. Neuroscience

    Network dynamics underlying OFF responses in the auditory cortex

    Giulio Bondanelli, Thomas Deneux ... Srdjan Ostojic
    Computational modeling demonstrates that population dynamics of neural calcium activity following stimulus offset are consistent with a network mechanism based on recurrent interactions.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Glia actively sculpt sensory neurons by controlled phagocytosis to tune animal behavior

    Stephan Raiders, Erik Calvin Black ... Aakanksha Singhvi
    A peripheral sense-organ glia actively engulfs fragments of a sensory neuron ending to modify neuron shape and associated animal sensory behavior in Caenorhabditis elegans..
    1. Neuroscience

    Neural basis of corruption in power-holders

    Yang Hu, Chen Hu ... Jean-Claude Dreher
    Model-based fMRI reveals the neurocomputational bases of accepting a bribe when power-holders consider two moral costs, conniving with a fraudulent briber and the harm brought to a third party.
    1. Neuroscience

    Processing of motion boundary orientation in macaque V2

    Heng Ma, Pengcheng Li ... Haidong D Lu
    Area V2 in macaque monkeys contributes to the perception of the outlines of moving objects and achieves this through a local computation.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Pregnancy-associated plasma protein-aa regulates endoplasmic reticulum–mitochondria associations

    Mroj Alassaf, Mary C Halloran
    An extracellular modulator of IGF1 signaling, Pappaa, regulates endoplasmic reticulum–mitochondria connections, which are critical for metabolic homeostasis and hair cell survival.
    1. Evolutionary Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Tachykinin signaling inhibits task-specific behavioral responsiveness in honeybee workers

    Bin Han, Qiaohong Wei ... Jianke Li
    Neuropeptide tachykinin signaling acts as master regulator of behavioral specialization in honeybees by differentially modulating worker responsiveness to task-specific stimuli.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Developmental Biology

    The recycling endosome protein Rab25 coordinates collective cell movements in the zebrafish surface epithelium

    Patrick Morley Willoughby, Molly Allen ... Ashley EE Bruce
    Rab25a and Rab25b mutant embryos exhibit epithelial spreading delays during morphogenesis and are characterized by cytokinesis defects leading to cell fusions, heterogeneous epithelial cell sizes, and reduced cortical actomyosin contractility.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    A spontaneous genetically induced epiallele at a retrotransposon shapes host genome function

    Tessa M Bertozzi, Nozomi Takahashi ... Anne C Ferguson-Smith
    A retrotransposon-derived recombination event in inbred mice gives rise to an epiallele and tissue-specific phenotypes.
    1. Neuroscience

    Prolonging the integrated stress response enhances CNS remyelination in an inflammatory environment

    Yanan Chen, Rejani B Kunjamma ... Brian Popko
    Oligodendrocytes with an enhanced ability to withstand cytotoxic stress display an increased capacity to remyelinate demyelination lesions of the CNS in the presence of an inflammatory environment.
    1. Immunology and Inflammation
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Inducible mechanisms of disease tolerance provide an alternative strategy of acquired immunity to malaria

    Wiebke Nahrendorf, Alasdair Ivens, Philip J Spence
    Malaria remodels the spleen to imprint tolerance and reduce pathology in subsequent infections.
    1. Medicine

    Applications of genetic-epigenetic tissue mapping for plasma DNA in prenatal testing, transplantation and oncology

    Wanxia Gai, Ze Zhou ... YM Dennis Lo
    Epigenetic determination of tissue of origin of genetically classified subsets of plasma DNA molecules enhances transplantation monitoring and cancer testing.
    1. Neuroscience

    Right inferior frontal gyrus implements motor inhibitory control via beta-band oscillations in humans

    Michael Schaum, Edoardo Pinzuti ... Oliver Tüscher
    Response inhibition is initiated by the right inferior frontal gyrus (rIFG), and stopping performance is predicted by beta-band power as well as beta-band connectivity between rIFG and pre-supplementary motor area.
    1. Medicine
    2. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Allosteric communication in class A β-lactamases occurs via cooperative coupling of loop dynamics

    Ioannis Galdadas, Shen Qu ... Shozeb Haider
    A combination of equilibrium and nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations is an effective tool to study allosteric communications in ultrafast enzymes that show little or no conformational changes.
    1. Ecology
    2. Evolutionary Biology

    Social groups buffer maternal loss in mountain gorillas

    Robin E Morrison, Winnie Eckardt ... Tara S Stoinski
    In mountain gorillas, as in certain human populations, relationships between group members can act as a social buffer, breaking the link between maternal loss, increased social adversity, and decreased fitness.
    1. Neuroscience

    A visual pathway for skylight polarization processing in Drosophila

    Ben J Hardcastle, Jaison J Omoto ... Mark A Frye
    Circuit tracing and in vivo calcium imaging reveals neurons conveying polarized light information from photoreceptors to the central brain, transforming patterns in the sky into a directional cue for navigation.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Immunology and Inflammation

    Convalescent COVID-19 patients are susceptible to endothelial dysfunction due to persistent immune activation

    Florence WJ Chioh, Siew-Wai Fong ... Christine Cheung
    COVID-19 survivors, who are at risk for vascular complications, would benefit from close monitoring and preventive therapy.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology

    Time-resolved phosphoproteomics reveals scaffolding and catalysis-responsive patterns of SHP2-dependent signaling

    Vidyasiri Vemulapalli, Lily A Chylek ... Stephen C Blacklow
    Monitoring SHP2 phosphoproteome dynamics identifies new substrate sites and sites protected from dephosphorylation by its SH2 domains, highlighting distinct scaffolding and catalytic activities in effecting a transmembrane signaling response.
    1. Ecology
    2. Evolutionary Biology

    Effects of domestication on the gut microbiota parallel those of human industrialization

    Aspen T Reese, Katia S Chadaideh ... Rachel N Carmody
    Gut microbial signatures of domestication parallel those of industrialization, implicating shared ecological drivers.
    1. Ecology

    Diversity and asynchrony in soil microbial communities stabilizes ecosystem functioning

    Cameron Wagg, Yann Hautier ... Marcel GA van der Heijden
    Soil microbial diversity loss destabilizes the ability of the soil to function because greater diversity is needed to maintain temporal and functional asynchrony among different microbes.
    1. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Time-resolved serial femtosecond crystallography reveals early structural changes in channelrhodopsin

    Kazumasa Oda, Takashi Nomura ... Osamu Nureki
    Time-resolved serial femtosecond crystallography revealed retinal kink and early changes in channelrhodopsin, which leads to the ion pore formation.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Developmental Biology

    Single-cell transcriptomics of the Drosophila wing disc reveals instructive epithelium-to-myoblast interactions

    Nicholas J Everetts, Melanie I Worley ... Iswar K Hariharan
    A single-cell atlas of the developing Drosophila wing disc at two time points enables a detailed understanding of the signals exchanged between different cell populations during development.
    1. Immunology and Inflammation

    Intravital quantification reveals dynamic calcium concentration changes across B cell differentiation stages

    Carolin Ulbricht, Ruth Leben ... Anja E Hauser
    Heterogeneity in cytoplasmic calcium concentration alongside B cell activation and differentiation is measured intravitally using an interdisciplinary imaging approach and novel numerical analysis.
    1. Physics of Living Systems

    Robust, coherent, and synchronized circadian clock-controlled oscillations along Anabaena filaments

    Rinat Arbel-Goren, Valentina Buonfiglio ... Joel Stavans
    Noisy circadian clocks in Anabaena, coupled by cell-cell communication, display high spatio-temporal coherence and can be robustly described by incorporating demographic noise in a theoretical model of coupled clock arrays.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Genetic disruption of WASHC4 drives endo-lysosomal dysfunction and cognitive-movement impairments in mice and humans

    Jamie L Courtland, Tyler WA Bradshaw ... Scott H Soderling
    Cellular etiology of a human WASH complex mutation in mice reveals its specific roles in neuronal organelle trafficking and a surprising role in motor impairments.
    1. Neuroscience

    Development of visual motion integration involves coordination of multiple cortical stages

    Augusto A Lempel, Kristina J Nielsen
    The development of complex motion processing in higher-level visual cortex involves functional changes in primary visual cortex, indicating coordinated development in multiple nodes of the visual hierarchy.
    1. Neuroscience

    Objective pupillometry shows that perceptual styles covary with autistic-like personality traits

    Chiara Tortelli, Marco Turi ... Paola Binda
    Pupillometry tracks individual differences linked with autistic traits independently of illusion susceptibility and perceptual reports.
    1. Neuroscience

    Synaptotagmin-7 places dense-core vesicles at the cell membrane to promote Munc13-2- and Ca2+-dependent priming

    Bassam Tawfik, Joana S Martins ... Jakob Balslev Sørensen
    Synaptotagmin-7 acts synergistically with synaptotagmin-1 by placing vesicles close to the plasma membrane within reach of the SNARE/Munc13-complex, supporting their priming and setting the stage for fast and slow fusion.
    1. Neuroscience

    Enhanced insulin signalling ameliorates C9orf72 hexanucleotide repeat expansion toxicity in Drosophila

    Magda L Atilano, Sebastian Grönke ... Linda Partridge
    Modulation of insulin signalling could be an effective therapeutic approach against hexanucleotide repeat expansion related to c9ALS/FTD neurodegenerative diseases.
    1. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Switch-like control of helicase processivity by single-stranded DNA binding protein

    Barbara Stekas, Steve Yeo ... Yann R Chemla
    A single-stranded DNA binding protein stimulates helicase-mediated DNA unwinding by transiently activating a latent processivity switch in the helicase.
    1. Ecology

    Global gradients in intertidal species richness and functional groups

    Jakob Thyrring, Lloyd S Peck
    No discernible latitudinal diversity gradient in rocky intertidal α-diversity as local-scale physical and biological processes outweigh global-scale environmental gradients.
    1. Neuroscience

    Visualizing anatomically registered data with brainrender

    Federico Claudi, Adam L Tyson ... Tiago Branco
    Brainrender is an open-source and user-friendly software for combining any type of anatomically registered data into custom interactive 3D renderings.
    1. Plant Biology

    Tuning self-renewal in the Arabidopsis stomatal lineage by hormone and nutrient regulation of asymmetric cell division

    Yan Gong, Julien Alassimone ... Dominique C Bergmann
    Quantitative live-cell time-lapse imaging reveals that the spatial and temporal degree of cortical polarity domains reflects stem-cell division capacity in cells of the Arabidopsis plant leaf epidermis.
    1. Neuroscience

    Learning precise spatiotemporal sequences via biophysically realistic learning rules in a modular, spiking network

    Ian Cone, Harel Z Shouval
    A computational model shows that it's possible to learn and replay extended temporal sequences in a network of spiking neurons with a modular architecture and a biologically realistic learning rule.
    1. Cell Biology

    A nuclear-based quality control pathway for non-imported mitochondrial proteins

    Viplendra PS Shakya, William A Barbeau ... Adam L Hughes
    During times of mitochondrial impairment, non-imported mitochondrial precursor proteins are targeted to the nucleus for proteasome-dependent degradation.
    1. Genetics and Genomics

    Whole-organism eQTL mapping at cellular resolution with single-cell sequencing

    Eyal Ben-David, James Boocock ... Leonid Kruglyak
    The effect of genetic variation on gene expression can be specific down to the level of individual cells.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    PomX, a ParA/MinD ATPase activating protein, is a triple regulator of cell division in Myxococcus xanthus

    Dominik Schumacher, Andrea Harms ... Lotte Søgaard-Andersen
    In the PomX/Y/Z cell division regulatory system, PomX is a PomZ ATPase activating protein, a scaffold for PomX/Y/Z complex formation, and important for fission of the PomX/Y/Z complex during division.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Action detection using a neural network elucidates the genetics of mouse grooming behavior

    Brian Q Geuther, Asaf Peer ... Vivek Kumar
    A machine learning method for action detection is developed and applied toward mouse grooming behavior.
    1. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    A conserved cell division protein directly regulates FtsZ dynamics in filamentous and unicellular actinobacteria

    Félix Ramos-León, Matthew J Bush ... Susan Schlimpert
    Identification of a novel regulator that directly influences the assembly and function of the cell division machinery in industrially and medically important bacteria.
    1. Genetics and Genomics
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Genomic and healthcare dynamics of nosocomial SARS-CoV-2 transmission

    Jamie M Ellingford, Ryan George ... Graeme CM Black
    Characterisation of SARS-CoV-2 genomic divergence in healthcare-associated outbreaks demonstrates that the inclusion of healthcare workers in contact networks identifies additional links in SARS-CoV-2 transmission pathways.
    1. Neuroscience

    Neural representation of abstract task structure during generalization

    Avinash R Vaidya, Henry M Jones ... David Badre
    The human brain maintains a representation of latent task states within frontoparietal networks during the generalization of behaviors to novel settings.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    Stress resets ancestral heritable small RNA responses

    Leah Houri-Zeevi, Guy Teichman ... Oded Rechavi
    Various types of stress reset heritable small RNA responses through the function of the p38 MAPK pathway, the transcription factor SKN-1/Nrf2, and the MET-2/SETDB1 putative histone methyltransferase.
    1. Neuroscience

    Cortical astrocytes independently regulate sleep depth and duration via separate GPCR pathways

    Trisha V Vaidyanathan, Max Collard ... Kira E Poskanzer
    Cortical astrocytes play key roles in NREM sleep by regulating sleep depth and duration through separate GPCR pathways, and differentially control neuronal slow-wave activity in local and remote cortical circuits.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression
    2. Neuroscience

    A KDM5–Prospero transcriptional axis functions during early neurodevelopment to regulate mushroom body formation

    Hayden AM Hatch, Helen M Belalcazar ... Julie Secombe
    The histone demethylase KDM5 functions in concert with the transcription factor Prospero to regulate a gene expression program that is required for mushroom body neuroanatomical development.
    1. Neuroscience
    2. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Kinetic analysis of ASIC1a delineates conformational signaling from proton-sensing domains to the channel gate

    Sabrina Vullo, Nicolas Ambrosio ... Stephan Kellenberger
    Analysis of conformational changes indicates that activation of acid-sensing ion channels involves protonation of diverse extracellular sites and interaction of interdomain loops with the upper ends of transmembrane helices.
    1. Neuroscience

    Mechanism for differential recruitment of orbitostriatal transmission during actions and outcomes following chronic alcohol exposure

    Rafael Renteria, Christian Cazares ... Christina M Gremel
    Chronic alcohol exposure results in a long-lasting, enhanced endocannabinoid signalling at orbitostriatal synapses that is expressed in a projection-, synapse-, and behaviorally computation-specific manner.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Physics of Living Systems

    Topological signatures in regulatory network enable phenotypic heterogeneity in small cell lung cancer

    Lakshya Chauhan, Uday Ram ... Mohit Kumar Jolly
    Network topology and gene expression patterns in small cell lung cancer reveal two mutually opposing teams of regulators that enable multistability and consequent non-genetic heterogeneity, a clinically unsolved challenge.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression
    2. Computational and Systems Biology

    Increased longevity due to sexual activity in mole-rats is associated with transcriptional changes in the HPA stress axis

    Arne Sahm, Matthias Platzer ... Philip Dammann
    The fact that sexual activity/reproduction doubles the lifespan of certain rodent species is most likely linked to critical changes in the regulation of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal stress axis.
    1. Neuroscience

    Selective dendritic localization of mRNA in Drosophila mushroom body output neurons

    Jessica Mitchell, Carlas S Smith ... Scott Waddell
    Specific mRNAs localize to the dendrites of Drosophila mushroom body output neurons.
    1. Immunology and Inflammation
    2. Neuroscience

    Microglial trogocytosis and the complement system regulate axonal pruning in vivo

    Tony KY Lim, Edward S Ruthazer
    In vivo time lapse imaging reveals that microglial trogocytosis of presynaptic elements is regulated by the complement system which controls axon morphogenesis in the developing brain.
    1. Immunology and Inflammation
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Human cytomegalovirus antagonizes activation of Fcγ receptors by distinct and synergizing modes of IgG manipulation

    Philipp Kolb, Katja Hoffmann ... Hartmut Hengel
    Molecular mechanisms reveal that human cytomegalovirus has evolved to deploy two individual glycoproteins working in synergy to efficiently evade antibody-mediated immunity mediated by Fc-gamma receptors.
    1. Immunology and Inflammation

    Seroconversion stages COVID19 into distinct pathophysiological states

    Matthew D Galbraith, Kohl T Kinning ... Joaquín M Espinosa
    Stratification of COVID19 patients using quantitative metrics of seroconversion reveals distinct pathophysiological stages after SARS-CoV-2 infection, including key differences in immune cell types, inflammatory makers, and markers of organ function.
    1. Neuroscience

    Prenatal methadone exposure disrupts behavioral development and alters motor neuron intrinsic properties and local circuitry

    Gregory G Grecco, Briana E Mork ... Brady K Atwood
    A novel, translational mouse model of prenatal methadone exposure was developed and a longitudinal assessment of offspring revealed impairments in physical, behavioral, and neuronal development.
    1. Neuroscience

    Egr2 induction in spiny projection neurons of the ventrolateral striatum contributes to cocaine place preference in mice

    Diptendu Mukherjee, Ben Jerry Gonzales ... Ami Citri
    The ventrolateral striatum is found to be recruited during the encoding of cocaine preference, within which Egr2-expressing ensembles are functionally important, as is the expression of Egr2 within them.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Plant Biology

    Stretch-activated ion channels identified in the touch-sensitive structures of carnivorous Droseraceae plants

    Carl Procko, Swetha Murthy ... Joanne Chory
    Identification of putative mechanisms for mechanosensation-dependent prey capture in carnivorous plants.
    1. Epidemiology and Global Health

    The global burden of yellow fever

    Katy AM Gaythorpe, Arran Hamlet ... Neil Ferguson
    Yellow fever, a potentially deadly viral hemorrhagic fever, causes up to 82,000 deaths annually worldwide, and mass vaccination activities have reduced the burden by 47% in Africa.
    1. Evolutionary Biology

    How oscillating aerodynamic forces explain the timbre of the hummingbird’s hum and other animals in flapping flight

    Ben J Hightower, Patrick WA Wijnings ... David Lentink
    A first-principles acoustics model reveals how the acoustic spectrum generated by flapping wings originates from oscillating aerodynamic forces, and is validated by in vivo aerodynamic force measurements and acoustic holography.
    1. Physics of Living Systems

    Swarming bacteria undergo localized dynamic phase transition to form stress-induced biofilms

    Iago Grobas, Marco Polin, Munehiro Asally
    Collective stress response via localized dynamic phase transition turns swarming Bacillus subtilis into biofilms.
    1. Neuroscience
    2. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Architecture and structural dynamics of the heteromeric GluK2/K5 kainate receptor

    Nandish Khanra, Patricia MGE Brown ... Joel R Meyerson
    Structures of the GluK2/K5 kainate receptor reveal the heteromer architecture and how the receptor organizes in apo, antagonist-bound, and desensitized states.
    1. Evolutionary Biology
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    Ancient DNA reveals the lost domestication history of South American camelids in Northern Chile and across the Andes

    Paloma Diaz-Maroto, Alba Rey-Iglesia ... Anders J Hansen
    aDNA revealed a model of domestication where an ancient guanaco population no longer exists, the loss of the ancient vicuña genetic variation in the modern populations, and frequently interbreeding practices.
    1. Neuroscience

    Adaptation of spontaneous activity in the developing visual cortex

    Marina E Wosniack, Jan H Kirchner ... Julijana Gjorgjieva
    To generate stable and robust connectivity refinements, the amplitude of spontaneous activity events in the developing visual cortex adapts to the recent history of cortical activation.
    1. Genetics and Genomics

    Age-related changes in polycomb gene regulation disrupt lineage fidelity in intestinal stem cells

    Helen M Tauc, Imilce A Rodriguez-Fernandez ... Heinrich Jasper
    Global, multi-angled genetic analyses identified an age-associated loss of stem cell lineage fidelity that was linked to changes in polycomb regulation in the Drosophila intestinal epithelium.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    GAF is essential for zygotic genome activation and chromatin accessibility in the early Drosophila embryo

    Marissa M Gaskill, Tyler J Gibson ... Melissa M Harrison
    Following fertilization, the pioneering transcription factors GAGA factor (GAF) and Zelda are independently required to reprogram the zygotic genome of Drosophila and activate the first wave of gene expression.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology

    Control and regulation of acetate overflow in Escherichia coli

    Pierre Millard, Brice Enjalbert ... Fabien Létisse
    Elucidating the control and regulation of acetate overflow in E. coli reveals that acetate is not only an end-product but also a co-substrate and a global regulator of glucose metabolism.
    1. Genetics and Genomics

    Genetic association and causal inference converge on hyperglycaemia as a modifiable factor to improve lung function

    William R Reay, Sahar I El Shair ... Murray J Cairns
    Genetic data revealed existing drugs that could be repurposed to improve lung function, with evidence that compounds which control blood glucose could be particularly useful for respiratory impairment.
    1. Medicine
    2. Neuroscience

    Respiratory depression and analgesia by opioid drugs in freely behaving larval zebrafish

    Shenhab Zaig, Carolina da Silveira Scarpellini, Gaspard Montandon
    Emerging approaches in larval zebrafish to identify safe opioid therapies without the side-effect of respiratory depression.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Computational and Systems Biology

    Quantifying absolute gene expression profiles reveals distinct regulation of central carbon metabolism genes in yeast

    Rosemary Yu, Egor Vorontsov ... Jens Nielsen
    Global gene expression control mechanisms are modeled using a large dataset consisting of absolute-quantitative proteomics, transcriptomics, and partial metabolomics of Saccharomyces cerevisiae at a wide range of growth conditions.
    1. Neuroscience

    Locus coeruleus spiking differently correlates with S1 cortex activity and pupil diameter in a tactile detection task

    Hongdian Yang, Bilal A Bari ... Daniel H O'Connor
    Correlations among LC spiking, membrane potential in S1 cortex, and pupil diameter vary within individual trials of a tactile detection task.
    1. Immunology and Inflammation
    2. Medicine

    Wnt signaling enhances macrophage responses to IL-4 and promotes resolution of atherosclerosis

    Ada Weinstock, Karishma Rahman ... Edward A Fisher
    Wnt signaling is revealed to be a regulator of macrophage inflammation-resolving state in atherosclerosis through a PGE2-mediated pathway.
    1. Neuroscience

    Gap junction-mediated glycinergic inhibition ensures precise temporal patterning in vocal behavior

    Boris P Chagnaud, Jonathan T Perelmuter ... Andrew H Bass
    Inhibition provides a means for achieving temporal precision for rapid modulation of an acoustic signal in a vertebrate vocal network.
    1. Neuroscience

    Synchronous activity patterns in the dentate gyrus during immobility

    Martin Pofahl, Negar Nikbakht ... Heinz Beck
    Two-photon in vivo calcium imaging reveals short time-scale, synchronous and sparse population activity in dentate gyrus that replays place-related information, and is important for formation of dentate-dependent spatial memory.
    1. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Single-molecule view of coordination in a multi-functional DNA polymerase

    Raymond F Pauszek III, Rajan Lamichhane ... David P Millar
    The primer extension and 5' flap processing activities of DNA polymerase I are physically coordinated by combined movements of the DNA substrate and the 5' nuclease domain of the enzyme.
    1. Immunology and Inflammation
    2. Medicine

    Longitudinal proteomic profiling of dialysis patients with COVID-19 reveals markers of severity and predictors of death

    Jack Gisby, Candice L Clarke ... James E Peters
    Severe COVID-19 is characterised by a plasma proteomic biomarker signature, indicating innate immune activation, leucocyte–endothelial interactions, and epithelial injury.
    1. Physics of Living Systems

    Extracellular matrix in multicellular aggregates acts as a pressure sensor controlling cell proliferation and motility

    Monika E Dolega, Sylvain Monnier ... Giovanni Cappello
    Theoretical predictions and experiments on multicellular aggregates indicate that the extracellular matrix acts as a mechanical sensor, which regulates cell proliferation and migration in a three-dimensional environment.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    The dimeric Golgi protein Gorab binds to Sas6 as a monomer to mediate centriole duplication

    Agnieszka Fatalska, Emma Stepinac ... David M Glover
    The dual functional protein, Gorab, associates with the Golgi as a dimer but as a monomer with the procentriole cartwheel protein, Sas6, to mediate centriole duplication.
    1. Medicine
    2. Neuroscience

    tTARGIT AAVs mediate the sensitive and flexible manipulation of intersectional neuronal populations in mice

    Paul V Sabatini, Jine Wang ... Martin G Myers
    tTARGIT AAVs offer a new approach to manipulate intersectional populations that produce selective and robust transgene expression and are easily modified.
    1. Developmental Biology

    A gradient of Wnt activity positions the neurosensory domains of the inner ear

    Magdalena Żak, Nicolas Daudet
    Manipulations of Wnt signalling in the chicken embryo reveal how it controls in a dose-dependent manner the formation of the neurosensory territories of the early developing inner ear.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    Promoter-specific changes in initiation, elongation, and homeostasis of histone H3 acetylation during CBP/p300 inhibition

    Emily Hsu, Nathan R Zemke, Arnold J Berk
    CBP/p300 acetylation of histone H3 at promoters and enhancers stimulates transcriptional elongation through recruitment of the super-elongation complex and BRD4.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Reformulation of an extant ATPase active site to mimic ancestral GTPase activity reveals a nucleotide base requirement for function

    Taylor B Updegrove, Jailynn Harke ... Kumaran S Ramamurthi
    Reengineering the nucleotide-binding pocket of an extant ATPase to restore ancestral GTPase activity revealed an ATP-dependent intermediate required for function and suggested why the protein evolved to use ATP.
    1. Physics of Living Systems

    Decoding the physical principles of two-component biomolecular phase separation

    Yaojun Zhang, Bin Xu ... Ned S Wingreen
    Phase separation of two-component multivalent systems is suppressed at rational polymer stoichiometries, suggesting possible cellular strategies for regulating the formation and function of biomolecular condensates.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Cell Biology

    eIF2B conformation and assembly state regulate the integrated stress response

    Michael Schoof, Morgane Boone ... Peter Walter
    eIF2-P activates the integrated stress response by inducing a conformational change in eIF2B that decreases substrate (eIF2) binding and reduces eIF2B's catalytic activity.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    TDP-43 maximizes nerve conduction velocity by repressing a cryptic exon for paranodal junction assembly in Schwann cells

    Kae-Jiun Chang, Ira Agrawal ... Jonah R Chan
    Glial TDP-43 regulates splicing and expression of neurofascin and is required for proper assembly and maintenance of paranodal axoglial junctions.
    1. Neuroscience

    Tonic firing mode of midbrain dopamine neurons continuously tracks reward values changing moment-by-moment

    Yawei Wang, Osamu Toyoshima ... Masayuki Matsumoto
    Although the phasic activity of midbrain dopamine neurons is known to represent reward values, these neurons displayed a tonic firing mode to continuously track reward values changing moment-by-moment.
    1. Neuroscience

    An optimized CRISPR/Cas9 approach for precise genome editing in neurons

    Huaqiang Fang, Alexei M Bygrave ... Richard L Huganir
    CRISPR/Cas9 based genomic editing for efficient endogenous protein tagging can be achieved by targeting non-coding sequences with two guides.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Antagonistic roles for Ataxin-2 structured and disordered domains in RNP condensation

    Amanjot Singh, Joern Hulsmeier ... Baskar Bakthavachalu
    Ataxin-2 interacts with neuronal mRNA in RNP granules.
    1. Neuroscience

    Multiple decisions about one object involve parallel sensory acquisition but time-multiplexed evidence incorporation

    Yul HR Kang, Anne Löffler ... Michael N Shadlen
    When making two decisions about one object, two streams of information can be acquired in parallel but must be incorporated into the two decisions serially, consistent with a central bottleneck.
    1. Epidemiology and Global Health

    Spatio-temporal associations between deforestation and malaria incidence in Lao PDR

    Francois Rerolle, Emily Dantzer ... Adam Bennett
    Deforestation near villages is associated with short-term increases but long-term decreases in malaria incidence in Lao PDR, highlighting the influence of forest-going populations on malaria transmission in the region.
    1. Plant Biology

    Regulation of photosynthetic electron flow on dark to light transition by ferredoxin:NADP(H) oxidoreductase interactions

    Manuela Kramer, Melvin Rodriguez-Heredia ... Guy Thomas Hanke
    The regulatory switch from protection to assimilation, which plants use to exploit natural, fluctuating light, involves movement of the enzyme ferredoxin:NADP(H) oxidoreductase between chloroplast membrane complexes.
    1. Epidemiology and Global Health

    Heterogeneous contributions of change in population distribution of body mass index to change in obesity and underweight

    NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC)
    Changes in the prevalence of underweight, total obesity, and severe obesity are largely driven by shifts in the distribution of body mass index.
    1. Neuroscience

    Drp1 is required for AgRP neuronal activity and feeding

    Sungho Jin, Nal Ae Yoon ... Sabrina Diano
    Mitochondrial fission, associated with fatty acids oxidation, is fundamental for AgRP neuronal activity during negative energy balance and in regulating fasting- and/or ghrelin-induced feeding.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology

    Proteomic and transcriptomic profiling reveal different aspects of aging in the kidney

    Yuka Takemon, Joel M Chick ... Ron Korstanje
    mRNA profiling alone provides an incomplete picture of molecular aging and examination of changes in proteins is essential to understand aging processes that are not transcriptionally regulated.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Plant Biology

    SABRE populates ER domains essential for cell plate maturation and cell expansion influencing cell and tissue patterning

    Xiaohang Cheng, Magdalena Bezanilla
    SABRE, which is present in a wide range of eukaryotes, localizes to ER subdomains in plants, impacting cell expansion and callose deposition during cell plate maturation.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Developmental Biology

    A polarity pathway for exocyst-dependent intracellular tube extension

    Joshua Abrams, Jeremy Nance
    Lumen extension in intracellular tubes relies on a molecular pathway involving Rho GTPase signaling, cell polarity, and vesicle-tethering proteins.
    1. Neuroscience

    Distinct neural mechanisms underlie subjective and objective recollection and guide memory-based decision making

    Yana Fandakova, Elliott G Johnson, Simona Ghetti
    Neural substrates of objective vs. subjective memory states can be distinguished, including their role in supporting decisions aimed at optimizing performance.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology

    Mapping the functional landscape of the receptor binding domain of T7 bacteriophage by deep mutational scanning

    Phil Huss, Anthony Meger ... Srivatsan Raman
    An unbiased mutational screen decodes the molecular basis of phage receptor interactions, identifies key functional regions determining activity and host range, and demonstrates the potential for engineering therapeutic phages.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Visuomotor learning from postdictive motor error

    Jana Masselink, Markus Lappe
    Visual, motor, and forward model gains learn from a postdictive update of space to keep perception and saccadic motor function aligned.
    1. Neuroscience
    2. Physics of Living Systems

    Bulk flow of cerebrospinal fluid observed in periarterial spaces is not an artifact of injection

    Aditya Raghunandan, Antonio Ladron-de-Guevara ... Douglas H Kelley
    A new tracer infusion method is used to confirm that pulsatile cerebrospinal fluid transport into the brain occurs naturally and is driven by the cardiac cycle, not by tracer injection.
    1. Neuroscience

    Relationship between simultaneously recorded spiking activity and fluorescence signal in GCaMP6 transgenic mice

    Lawrence Huang, Peter Ledochowitsch ... Lu Li
    Simultaneous calcium imaging and cell-attached recording in GCaMP6 transgenic mice in vivo reveals spiking-fluorescence relationship that supports more refined inference of neuronal activities from calcium imaging data.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology

    HPF1 and nucleosomes mediate a dramatic switch in activity of PARP1 from polymerase to hydrolase

    Johannes Rudolph, Genevieve Roberts ... Karolin Luger
    The polymerase activity of PARP1 is converted to hydrolase activity upon binding of Histone Parylation Factor 1 (HPF1) with nucleosome activators.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    Human ORC/MCM density is low in active genes and correlates with replication time but does not delimit initiation zones

    Nina Kirstein, Alexander Buschle ... Aloys Schepers
    Replication origins are established throughout the genome with the exception of transcribed genes, and the local chromatin composition likely modulates the density of ORC and MCM as well as origin activation.
    1. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Structural basis for human TRPC5 channel inhibition by two distinct inhibitors

    Kangcheng Song, Miao Wei ... Lei Chen
    The binding sites of two distinct TRPC5 inhibitors clemizole and HC-070 are revealed by cryo-EM.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression
    2. Computational and Systems Biology

    Local genetic context shapes the function of a gene regulatory network

    Anna Nagy-Staron, Kathrin Tomasek ... Calin C Guet
    The phenotype of a gene regulatory network depends both qualitatively and quantitatively on the local genetic context of its individual components and cannot necessarily be predicted solely from network's topology.
    1. Neuroscience

    The neural basis of intelligence in fine-grained cortical topographies

    Ma Feilong, J Swaroop Guntupalli, James V Haxby
    Individual differences in intelligence are based on information processing that is embedded in fine-scale structure in cortical systems for self-generated thought, which was revealed by resolving topographic idiosyncrasies with hyperalignment.
    1. Epidemiology and Global Health
    2. Medicine

    SARS-CoV-2 suppresses anticoagulant and fibrinolytic gene expression in the lung

    Alan E Mast, Alisa S Wolberg ... Daniel Jacobson
    Transcription changes in cells taken from bronchoalveolar fluid of COVID-19 patients indicate severe disruption of coagulation and fibrinolytic pathways in the lung and suggest similar processes in other organs.
    1. Immunology and Inflammation

    Opposing effects of T cell receptor signal strength on CD4 T cells responding to acute versus chronic viral infection

    Marco Künzli, Peter Reuther ... Carolyn G King
    T cell receptor signal strength correlates positively with Th1 generation during acute infection but negatively during chronic infection.
    1. Immunology and Inflammation
    2. Medicine

    An open label trial of anakinra to prevent respiratory failure in COVID-19

    Evdoxia Kyriazopoulou, Periklis Panagopoulos ... Evangelos J Giamarellos-Bourboulis
    Early suPAR-guided anakinra decreases the risk for severe respiratory failure in SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia and restores the pro-/anti-inflammatory balance.
    1. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Microbiota functional activity biosensors for characterizing nutrient metabolism in vivo

    Darryl A Wesener, Zachary W Beller ... Jeffrey I Gordon
    A method has been developed to characterize the expressed biochemical activities of gut microbial communities using retrievable, microscopic, fluorescent-labeled glass beads containing chemically bound surface biomolecules.
    1. Neuroscience

    Multiple time-scales of decision-making in the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex

    Wenbo Tang, Justin D Shin, Shantanu P Jadhav
    Hippocampal and prefrontal neuronal populations form slow behavioral-timescale (~seconds) and fast cognitive-timescale (~100 ms) sequential activity patterns as theta and replay sequences, which play distinct yet cooperative roles in memory-guided decision-making.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Sub-minute prediction of brain temperature based on sleep–wake state in the mouse

    Yaniv Sela, Marieke MB Hoekstra, Paul Franken
    The sleep–wake state sequence explains almost all of the variance in brain temperature in the mouse, and its detailed dynamics can be accurately predicted only using sleep–wake information.
    1. Epidemiology and Global Health
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Estimating SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence and epidemiological parameters with uncertainty from serological surveys

    Daniel B Larremore, Bailey K Fosdick ... Yonatan H Grad
    Integrating over multiple forms of statistical uncertainty associated with serological surveys can improve serosurvey design while also enabling that uncertainty to be appropriately propagated through epidemiological models.
    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Targeted molecular profiling of rare olfactory sensory neurons identifies fate, wiring, and functional determinants

    J Roman Arguello, Liliane Abuin ... Richard Benton
    Targeted expression of molecular probes for gene expression and chromatin accessibility in subpopulations of neurons in the Drosophila olfactory system identifies genes required for their development and function.
    1. Genetics and Genomics

    A confinable home-and-rescue gene drive for population modification

    Nikolay P Kandul, Junru Liu ... Omar S Akbari
    Generation of a home-and-rescue gene drive targeting an essential gene reveals confinable population modification.
    1. Neuroscience

    Parabrachial opioidergic projections to preoptic hypothalamus mediate behavioral and physiological thermal defenses

    Aaron J Norris, Jordan R Shaker ... Michael R Bruchas
    Warm-activated parabrachial neurons contain overlapping dynorphin and enkephalin expressing subpopulations, project to preoptic hypothalamus, and mediate behavioral and physiological thermal defenses behaviors.
    1. Genetics and Genomics
    2. Neuroscience

    Mayday sustains trans-synaptic BMP signaling required for synaptic maintenance with age

    Jessica M Sidisky, Daniel Weaver ... Daniel Babcock
    Maintaining synaptic structure and function over time requires continuous signaling from pathways that are crucial for synapse development.
    1. Developmental Biology

    Retrograde ERK activation waves drive base-to-apex multicellular flow in murine cochlear duct morphogenesis

    Mamoru Ishii, Tomoko Tateya ... Tsuyoshi Hirashima
    Live-cell imaging and mathematical modeling reveal the physical basis of collective cell migration underlying spiral cochlear duct formation during murine inner ear development.
    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Glial insulin regulates cooperative or antagonistic Golden goal/Flamingo interactions during photoreceptor axon guidance

    Hiroki Takechi, Satoko Hakeda-Suzuki ... Takashi Suzuki
    Timely regulation of growth cone dynamics, including filopodial and cytoskeletal rearrangements through phosphorylation signals from glial cells, shapes the photoreceptor axon targeting.
    1. Genetics and Genomics
    2. Neuroscience

    Sequential perturbations to mouse corticogenesis following in utero maternal immune activation

    Cesar P Canales, Myka L Estes ... Alex S Nord
    Mid-gestational exposure to maternal immune activation drives a sequence of transcriptional signatures and developmental pathology in embryonic mouse cortex, culminating in altered lamination and cellular lineage specification.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Systematic functional analysis of rab GTPases reveals limits of neuronal robustness to environmental challenges in flies

    Friederike E Kohrs, Ilsa-Maria Daumann ... P Robin Hiesinger
    The first complete null mutant collection of all rab GTPase genes in a multicellular organism uncovers neuronal development and function sensitive to environmental challenges in Drosophila.
    1. Evolutionary Biology
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    Emergence and diversification of a highly invasive chestnut pathogen lineage across southeastern Europe

    Lea Stauber, Thomas Badet ... Daniel Croll
    The chestnut blight fungus has successfully established an intermediary, diverse European bridgehead population, giving rise to a highly invasive clonal lineage spreading across southeastern Europe.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression
    2. Computational and Systems Biology

    Effective dynamics of nucleosome configurations at the yeast PHO5 promoter

    Michael Roland Wolff, Andrea Schmid ... Ulrich Gerland
    The integration of multi-nucleosome configuration data with histone turnover and new chromatin accessibility data by systematically investigated 'regulated on-off-slide' models reveals promoter state transitions regulated by just one assembly process.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression
    2. Medicine

    Cardiovascular disease risk factors induce mesenchymal features and senescence in mouse cardiac endothelial cells

    Karthik Amudhala Hemanthakumar, Shentong Fang ... Riikka Kivelä
    Endothelial dysfunction due to cardiovascular disease risk factors explained by cardiac endothelial cell transcriptome remodelling.
    1. Neuroscience

    Design issues and solutions for stop-signal data from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) study

    Patrick G Bissett, McKenzie P Hagen ... Russell A Poldrack
    Problematic design features in the stop-signal task for the massive Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) study undermine analyses of the shared data, but can be mitigated with proposed solutions.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    HP1 proteins compact DNA into mechanically and positionally stable phase separated domains

    Madeline M Keenen, David Brown ... Sy Redding
    Heterochromatin proteins compartmentalize DNA into compact structures resistant to mechanical disruption but susceptible to competitive dissolution.
    1. Cell Biology

    Cardiolipin targets a dynamin-related protein to the nuclear membrane

    Usha Pallabi Kar, Himani Dey, Abdur Rahaman
    A single amino acid residue is critical for cardiolipin interaction specificity and nuclear membrane recruitment of a dynamin-related protein.
    1. Neuroscience

    Sushi domain-containing protein 4 controls synaptic plasticity and motor learning

    Inés González-Calvo, Keerthana Iyer ... Fekrije Selimi
    SUSD4 loss-of-function induces misregulation of GLUA2 degradation and of synaptic plasticity suggesting a mechanism for its potential contribution to neurodevelopmental disorders.
    1. Neuroscience

    Signed and unsigned reward prediction errors dynamically enhance learning and memory

    Nina Rouhani, Yael Niv
    Throughout learning, both unexpected outcomes and the predictive value of cues modulate learning rate and episodic memory, thereby supporting two seemingly opposing theories of associative learning.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Disease-related mutations in PI3Kγ disrupt regulatory C-terminal dynamics and reveal a path to selective inhibitors

    Manoj K Rathinaswamy, Zied Gaieb ... John E Burke
    The c-terminus of PI3K plays a key role in regulating kinase activity, with c-terminal disease-linked mutations leading to either activation or inhibition, which reveal a path to specific inhibitors.
    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    NMDA receptors control development of somatosensory callosal axonal projections

    Jing Zhou, Yong Lin ... Samuel J Pleasure
    NMDAR receptors act in regulating axon guidance of somatosensory callosal projections in early postnatal life and the expression of EPHB2 receptors in target cells.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Intact synapse structure and function after combined knockout of PTPδ, PTPσ, and LAR

    Javier Emperador-Melero, Giovanni de Nola, Pascal S Kaeser
    Leukocyte common antigen-related receptor protein tyrosine phosphatases (LAR-RPTPs) are precisely localized to synaptic appositions, but do not control the assembly and function of the presynaptic nerve terminal.
    1. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    A mobile genetic element increases bacterial host fitness by manipulating development

    Joshua M Jones, Ilana Grinberg ... Alan D Grossman
    A mobile genetic element provides a selective advantage to host cells by delaying development, including biofilm and spore formation, thereby enabling temporary cheating and extra divisions.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Dynamic Na+/H+ exchanger 1 (NHE1) – calmodulin complexes of varying stoichiometry and structure regulate Ca2+-dependent NHE1 activation

    Lise M Sjøgaard-Frich, Andreas Prestel ... Stine Falsig Pedersen
    NHE1-CaM complexes of multiple stoichiometries regulate cellular Ca2+-dependent NHE1 activity and can contribute to NHE1 dimerization, the latter shown by the NMR structure of CaM linking two NHE1 cytosolic tails.
    1. Cell Biology

    In vivo reconstitution finds multivalent RNA–RNA interactions as drivers of mesh-like condensates

    Weirui Ma, Gang Zhen ... Christine Mayr
    Binding of a multivalent RNA-binding protein to mRNAs that are able to form pervasive RNA–RNA interactions induces formation of mesh-like condensates, whereas binding of mostly structured mRNAs induces sphere-like condensates.
    1. Neuroscience

    Integrative frontal-parietal dynamics supporting cognitive control

    Derek Evan Nee
    Analysis of human fMRI data reveal that intermediary areas within the fronto-parietal control network (FPCN) are critical for integrating control processing, cognitive ability, and amenability to neuromodulation.
    1. Epidemiology and Global Health
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    Genomic epidemiology of COVID-19 in care homes in the east of England

    William L Hamilton, Gerry Tonkin-Hill ... COVID-19 Genomics Consortium UK
    SARS-CoV-2 can spread efficiently within care homes causing outbreaks among residents, who are at increased risk of severe disease, emphasising the importance of stringent infection control in this population.
    1. Genetics and Genomics
    2. Medicine

    Association of Toll-like receptor 7 variants with life-threatening COVID-19 disease in males: findings from a nested case-control study

    Chiara Fallerini, Sergio Daga ... Elisa Frullanti
    In the context of susceptibility to severe COVID-19, the observations of a study provide the basis for a personalized interferon-based therapy in patients with rare TLR7 variants.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression
    2. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Archaeal chromatin ‘slinkies’ are inherently dynamic complexes with deflected DNA wrapping pathways

    Samuel Bowerman, Jeff Wereszczynski, Karolin Luger
    Archaeal histones compact DNA into nucleosome-like particles of varying sizes that contort sporadically and reorient DNA wrapping.
    1. Immunology and Inflammation
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Mapping immune variation and var gene switching in naive hosts infected with Plasmodium falciparum

    Kathryn Milne, Alasdair Ivens ... Philip J Spence
    Parasite variants associated with severe malaria do not have an intrinsic growth or survival advantage in vivo, which indicates that a change in host environment is required for their selection.
    1. Neuroscience

    Endoglycan plays a role in axon guidance by modulating cell adhesion

    Thomas Baeriswyl, Alexandre Dumoulin ... Esther T Stoeckli
    Endoglycan fine-tunes the interaction between guidance molecules and surface receptors during axon guidance and cell migration.
    1. Neuroscience

    Functional specialization within the inferior parietal lobes across cognitive domains

    Ole Numssen, Danilo Bzdok, Gesa Hartwigsen
    Data-driven and effective connectivity analyses reveal patterns of functional specialization, common mechanisms, and brain-wide interaction profiles within the human inferior parietal lobes for multiple functional domains.
    1. Immunology and Inflammation
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Loss of circadian protection against influenza infection in adult mice exposed to hyperoxia as neonates

    Yasmine Issah, Amruta Naik ... Shaon Sengupta
    Neonatal hyperoxia abrogates the circadian protection from influenza infection in recovered adults.
    1. Medicine
    2. Neuroscience

    Self-blinding citizen science to explore psychedelic microdosing

    Balázs Szigeti, Laura Kartner ... David Erritzoe
    The anecdotally reported benefits of psychedelics microdosing can be explained by the placebo effect.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Ciliary neuropeptidergic signaling dynamically regulates excitatory synapses in postnatal neocortical pyramidal neurons

    Lauren Tereshko, Ya Gao ... Piali Sengupta
    Neuropeptidergic signaling via cilia-localized receptors dynamically regulates excitatory synaptic drive in postnatal rat neocortical pyramidal neurons.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    tRNA sequences can assemble into a replicator

    Alexandra Kühnlein, Simon A Lanzmich, Dieter Braun
    Rudimentary cross-catalytic replication can be established by double-hairpins of tRNA-like sequences, implying that replication and translation could have emerged along a common evolutionary trajectory.
    1. Evolutionary Biology

    Preliminary paleohistological observations of the StW 573 (‘Little Foot’) skull

    Amélie Beaudet, Robert C Atwood ... Dominic Stratford
    Virtual investigation of the 3.67-million-year-old skull of 'Little Foot' using synchrotron radiation reveals histological details of Australopithecus dental and bone tissues.
    1. Evolutionary Biology

    New light shed on the early evolution of limb-bone growth plate and bone marrow

    Jordi Estefa, Paul Tafforeau ... Sophie Sanchez
    A three-dimensional investigation of extinct-tetrapod limbs shows that even though bone elongation and blood-cell production are intimately related to mammal long bones, these functions actually appeared successively in tetrapod evolution.
    1. Medicine

    Parathyroid hormone attenuates osteoarthritis pain by remodeling subchondral bone in mice

    Qi Sun, Gehua Zhen ... Xu Cao
    Parathyroid hormone attenuates osteoarthritis pain and joint degeneration by modification of subchondral bone remodeling and could be a potential disease-modifying therapy for osteoarthritis.
    1. Neuroscience

    Neural encoding of actual and imagined touch within human posterior parietal cortex

    Srinivas Chivukula, Carey Y Zhang ... Richard A Andersen
    Single neurons in human posterior parietal cortex encode actual and imagined touch within a shared neural substrate.
    1. Neuroscience

    C. elegans orthologs MUT-7/CeWRN-1 of Werner syndrome protein regulate neuronal plasticity

    Tsung-Yuan Hsu, Bo Zhang ... Bi-Tzen Juang
    The olfactory learning of Caenorhabditis elegans shows that the exonuclease and helicase domains of human Werner syndrome protein (WRN) coordinately regulate the biogenesis of small interfering RNAs to promote neuronal plasticity.
    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Estrogen receptor alpha in the brain mediates tamoxifen-induced changes in physiology in mice

    Zhi Zhang, Jae Whan Park ... Stephanie M Correa
    Estrogen receptor alpha in the hypothalamus is required for the effects of chronic tamoxifen treament on gene expression, thermoregulation, bone, and movement in mice.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Uncovering an allosteric mode of action for a selective inhibitor of human Bloom syndrome protein

    Xiangrong Chen, Yusuf I Ali ... Antony W Oliver
    Discovery and characterisation of a novel allosteric inhibitor-binding site in human Bloom syndrome protein.
    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Cell Biology

    The mTORC1-mediated activation of ATF4 promotes protein and glutathione synthesis downstream of growth signals

    Margaret E Torrence, Michael R MacArthur ... Brendan D Manning
    ATF4 is a metabolic effector of mTORC1 signaling, co-opted to induce gene targets involved in amino acid synthesis, uptake, and tRNA charging, contributing to mTORC1-driven protein and glutathione synthesis.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Latrophilin GPCR signaling mediates synapse formation

    Richard Sando, Thomas C Südhof
    Spatial restriction of GPCR signaling at nascent synapses by adhesion complexes drives excitatory synapse formation and specificity in the hippocampus.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Immunology and Inflammation

    Anti-ferroptotic mechanism of IL4i1-mediated amino acid metabolism

    Leonie Zeitler, Alessandra Fiore ... Peter J Murray
    IL4i1 is an amino acid oxidase expressed in the mammalian immune system and snake venoms, which control diametrically opposite cell protection versus cell death pathways, respectively.
    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

    Cystic proliferation of germline stem cells is necessary to reproductive success and normal mating behavior in medaka

    Luisa F Arias Padilla, Diana C Castañeda-Cortés ... Juan I Fernandino
    In medaka fish, the reduction of cystic proliferation of germ stem cells declines gametogenesis, reproduction success, and male sexual behavior, with a decrease of mating vigor.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Bidirectional regulation of glial potassium buffering – glioprotection versus neuroprotection

    Hailun Li, Lorenzo Lones, Aaron DiAntonio
    A neuromodulatory circuit bidirectionally regulates the glial capacity to buffer ions and water in response to changes in neuronal excitation in order to balance glial versus neuronal protection.


    1. Ecology
    2. Evolutionary Biology

    Microbiome: Taming the beasts inside

    Erica P Ryu, Emily R Davenport
  1. Meta-Research: Weak evidence of country- and institution-related status bias in the peer review of abstracts

    Mathias Wullum Nielsen, Christine Friis Baker ... Jens Peter Andersen
    1. Epidemiology and Global Health

    Quarantine: Should I stay or should I go?

    Mirjam Kretzschmar, Johannes Müller